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The Machiavelli Covenant
Folsom Allan Wydawnictwo: inne

Nicholas Marten, the ex-LAPD detective who played a major role in Folsom's The Exile (2004), pursues an international conspiracy in this frenetic page-turner long on action but short on plausibility. When an... czytaj dalej

Tysiąc sztuk złota
McCunn Ruthanne Wydawnictwo: Muza

W 1871 roku Chiny nawiedza klęska głodu i ojciec trzynastoletniej Lalu musi ją sprzedać. Dziewczyna trafia do domu publicznego, skąd zabiera ją do Ameryki handlarka żywym towarem. Tam zostaje wystawiona na... czytaj dalej

Beerholm przedstawia
Kehlmann Daniel Wydawnictwo: W.A.B.

Artur Beerholm, bedąc na krawędzi samobójstwa, podsumowuje swoje niespełna trzydziestoletnie życie. Adoptowany w dzieciństwie, oddany przez przybranego ojca do elitarnej szkoły w z internatem, wcześnie ucieka... czytaj dalej

Dark Debts
Karen Hall Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Los Angeles journalist Randa Phillips assumed it was all over - except for the pain. But then came a midnight phone-call from the ex-lover who had rejected her. responding to Cam`s desperation, Randa heads... czytaj dalej

Just Around the Corner
Gilda O`Neill Wydawnictwo: inne

All big-hearted Katie Mehan has ever asked from life is health and happines for her family and the love of her stevedore husband, Pat. But times just seem to get harder, and as work at the docks gets scarce... czytaj dalej

What I Loved
Hustvedt Wydawnictwo: inne

Tells the story of two men who first become friends in 1970s New York, of their families. This novel combines a plot of mounting menace with an account of familial relationships and a portrait of an artist... czytaj dalej

Constant Gardener
J. LeCarre Wydawnictwo: inne

Presents the story of a man ennobled by his wife's tragic murder, and an exploration of the dark side of unbridled capitalism. ... czytaj dalej

Almost Blue
C. Lucarelli Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

A serial killer is terrorising the people of Bologna and rookie Detective Inspector Grazia Negro is determined to solve the case. She only has one witness who can identify the killer - and he is blind. Simone... czytaj dalej

Seeking Whom he may Devour
F. Vargas Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Each day, inhabitants of a small community in the French Alps find another of their ewes with its throat cut. When one of the villagers too is killed people begin to wonder: could it be the work of a werewolf... czytaj dalej

Garden of Happiness
Tamar Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A littered lot in New York's Alphabet City is transformed into a lush garden by people of the neighborhood. Young Marisol finds a small patch of her own, where she plants a large, flat seed. As it grows up... czytaj dalej