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Stuffed Adventures of a Restaurant Family
P. Volk Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Patricia Volk#8217;s delicious memoir lets us into her big, crazy, loving, cheerful, infuriating and wonderful family, where you#8217;re never just hungry#8211;your starving to death, and you#8217;re never... czytaj dalej

Hour of Hunter
J. Jance Wydawnictwo: inne

Six years after her husband killed himself after being accused of murdering an Indian girl, Diana Ladd relys on a Native American wise woman and a local police detective to protect her and her son from her... czytaj dalej

Society of Others
W. Nicholson Wydawnictwo: brak danych

With all the pace and thrust of a thriller, the hero in "The Society of Others" is propelled into a dizzying sequence of increasingly terrifying Kafka-esque adventures as he tries to understand the... czytaj dalej

Shakespeare The Movie II
R. Burt Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Following on from the phenomenally successful Shakespeare, The Movie, this volume brings together an invaluable new collection of essays on cinematic Shakespeares in the 1990s and beyond. Shakespeare, The Movie... czytaj dalej

Edge on the Sword
R. Tignle Wydawnictwo: brak danych

In the thrilling story of a girl becoming a leader, King Alfred's eldest daughter must use her inner resources and battle skills to save her own life and protect the lives of her men, becoming the greatest... czytaj dalej

No Bodys Perfect
K. Kirberger Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Penned by an author of Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul, this teen-friendly book explores how a lack of self-esteem and self-love can lead to eating disorders, depression, and more. Perfect for your teen or... czytaj dalej

Aero & Officer Mike Police Partner
Joan Russell Wydawnictwo: brak danych

A photo essay about a police dog and his human partner at work and play.... czytaj dalej

Shrek 2 Gag Book
S. Fisch Wydawnictwo: brak danych

To pass the time while on a long journey, Donkey bets Shrek that he can make him laugh before they arrive at their destination. With Fiona as a judge, Donkey lets loose with a barrage of fairy-tale jokes --... czytaj dalej

David Se Mete En Lios
D. Shannon Wydawnictwo: brak danych

David always comes up with an excuse to try and get out of trouble. Your child will laugh as you share the familiar explanations for childhood mischief, from "The dog ate my homework!" to "It... czytaj dalej

Shark Tale Joke Book
Mccann Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Get ready to swim in laughter after your fishy friends share their favorite jokes with you. From puns to knock-knock jokes, Oscar knows the best gags in the ocean -- you'll be reciting them to huge audiences... czytaj dalej