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Nie mam wątpliwości, że "sprzedawcy kieszonkowych lusterek" to jeden z najznakomitszych debiutów ostatnich dekad.Jarosław Mikołajewski... czytaj dalej
The original disaster narrative, The Shipwrecked Men tells how a confident, well-equipped Spanish expedition to explore the Florida mainland came utterly to grief through arrogance, storms and bad luck, leaving... czytaj dalej
Anita Blake should be concentrating on a dangerous situation: the ardeur, the sexual power that flows between Anita and Jean-Claude, Master Vampire of the City - and Richard, the volatile werewolf who loves... czytaj dalej
One of the most impressive of all Victorian scientists but also a marvelous writer, Bates' (1825-1892) account of his years in the upper reaches of the Amazon is almost too good to be true - a great monument... czytaj dalej
Donna Leon?s fifteenth mystery is set on the island of Murano where her hero, Commissario Guido Brunetti, investigates a murder at a glass furnace (fornace) there. Prior to the murder, Brunetti started snooping... czytaj dalej
Macij Szczawiński: Wiersze Wacława Kostrzewy są jak czysty dźwięk dzwonu w niedzielny poranek. Esencjonalna czysta liryka, aż mąci się w głowie od poezji.... czytaj dalej
It is 1939, and the world is overshadowed by the thunder-clouds of war, once again. In this alternate history twist the US fights while across the Pacific Japan is ready to fight again. Once again brother fights... czytaj dalej
Israel Armstrong is one of literature's unlikely detectives. Second in the "The Mobile Library" detective series, this work features the hapless Israel Armstrong - the young, Jewish, duffle-coat wearing... czytaj dalej
David Bennun had lived in Africa his whole life. At the age of 18 he came to Britain, the mother country. The country he had read about in "Punch" magazine or seen in films like "Chariots of... czytaj dalej
'The Temple of Optimism' tells the tale of the relationships of two men and one woman in Derbyshire in 1788. Superficially, the plot is simple: Anthony Apreece covets the land of his young neighbour, Edward... czytaj dalej