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A comprehensive guide to using the Internet, this book explains all aspects of the Internet, from setting up a new Internet connection to designing your own website. Email, the World Wide Web, e-commerce and... czytaj dalej
Anyone who has had difficulty with spelling will find this lively guide invaluable. Good spellers will learn how to avoid the less obvious mistakes. Readers learning English as a second language will find it... czytaj dalej
Vishnu, the odd-job man in a Bombay apartment block, lies dying on the staircase landing. In his fevered state, he looks back on his love affair with the seductive Padmini. This title blends Hindu mythology... czytaj dalej
Fewer than one percent of all books written and published in Yiddish have been translated into English. Those that have give us a window into a culture that celebrates the full range of the human condition... czytaj dalej
This book completely took me by surprise. I found the lead characters immediately engaging, and the arc of their relationship throughout the book was for me it's most compelling element. The delicacy with which... czytaj dalej
Starred Review. Recovered from incapacitating guilt over the death of a child on his watch, Jack Taylor is released from the loony bin at the start of Shamus-winner Bruen's searing fifth book about the alcoholic... czytaj dalej
Amongst the Chinese exists great cultural variety and diversity. The Cantonese care more for profit than face and are good businessmen, whereas Fujian R?n are frank, blunt and outspoken but daring and generous... czytaj dalej
Trzymająca w napięciu powieść kryminalna.Śledczy z byłego RFN wraz z policjantką wychowaną w Berlinie Wschodnim szukają sprawcy brutalnego morderstwa.Odpowiedzi na pytania, jak zmienia się spojrzenie na winę... czytaj dalej
Sonchai has seen just about everything on his beat in Bangkok's crime-riddled District 8. But the video he's sent anonymously is something else. What he watches is a snuff film, and the person he sees die is... czytaj dalej
"Sytuacje kanapkowe" to wiersze-obrazy, wiersze-tęsknoty, poszukiwanie tożsamości w obliczu rozsypanych elementów świata, stawianie pytań o człowieka, jego kondycję jako jednostki z powołania przeznaczonej... czytaj dalej