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Cap or the Price of a Life
R. Frister Wydawnictwo: Orion

In this biography, Roman Frister tells the story of his metamorphosis: from happy child to merciless concentration camp prisoner, from branded to life-thirsty lover and bohemian, who never again will let life... czytaj dalej

Falling Leaves the Memior of & Unwante
A. Yen Mah Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Born in 1937 in a port city north of Shanghai, Adeline Yen Mah was the youngest child of an affluent Chinese family who enjoyed rare privileges during a time of political and cultural upheaval. But wealth and... czytaj dalej

Prophecy of the Dragons Bk 13
M. Forbeck Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This two-part story will change the Knights of the Silver Dragon forever, as it delves deeper into the history of Curston, revealing one of the Order's deepest secrets and the whereabouts of Driskoll and Kellach's missing mother. ... czytaj dalej

Electronic Reserve
L. Driscoll Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Driscoll (associate university librarian and chair, Access Services, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida) walks through the start-up process for implementing an electronic reserve system, presenting... czytaj dalej

Mexican Poetry Anthology
Octavio Paz Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Collects samplings of the writings of thirty-five influential Mexican poets ranging from the sixteenth to twentieth centuries.... czytaj dalej

Voices of Vision
Blaschke Wydawnictwo: angielskie

As the world around us becomes more fantastic, and science itself more surreal, the realms of science fiction and fantasy become correspondingly both more bizarre and more relevant. Voices of Vision offers... czytaj dalej

Guy Debord Revolution in the Service of Poetry
Kaufmann Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Writer, artist, filmmaker, provocateur, revolutionary, and impresario of the Situationist International, Guy Debord shunned the apparatus of publicity he dissected so brilliantly in his most influential work... czytaj dalej

Continuing Professional Development
Jacqueline Brine Wydawnictwo: inne

This book helps information professionals in their continuing professional development (CPD). The book shows them how to examine their own skills and plan their development over a period of time. It also helps... czytaj dalej

Lionel Tertis The First Great Virtuoso of the Viola
J. White Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This new biography examines the life and work of Lionel Tertis, almost solely responsible for the rise of the viola in the twentieth century. ... czytaj dalej