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Batman Begins Training Bruce Wayne
H. Kowitt Wydawnictwo: brak danych

There's a beginning to everything. Before Batman could protect Gotham City, he had to learn the skills needed to become a great warrior. This reader retells the Bruce Wayne training segment, complete with full-color... czytaj dalej

Four Blind Mice
J. Patterson Wydawnictwo: Warner Books Inc.

Patterson's perennial hero Alex Cross wants to retire from the force, but he is drawn into a case involving an innocent man convicted by a military court for the murders of three women. The investigation is... czytaj dalej

Final Sins
M. Prescott Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A decade ago, artist Peter Faust murdered a woman and was found not guilty by reason of insanity. Today, he's become a cult celebrity. Now stalked by one of his Rfans, S Faust hires rogue security consultant... czytaj dalej

Fabulous Vernacular
V. Kirham Wydawnictwo: angielskie

While still a university student of church law in Naples, Boccaccio completed his Filocolo, a monumental romance that retells the famous medieval legend of Florio and Biancifiore. To rescue his source tale... czytaj dalej

Jennifer Jones Won't Leave Me Alone
Wishinsky Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'Jennifer Jones Won't Leave Me Alone' is a funny story-poem about a love-struck girl and the reluctant object of her affections. Our hero is embarrassed by his admirer, but when she moves away, life becomes kind of boring.... czytaj dalej

Summer Psychic
J. Adams Wydawnictwo: inne

When attractive journalist Katie Garnett is sent by a local paper in Brighton to interview Australian psychic, Jim Gabriel about his visions for the year ahead, she has no idea of the effect it will have on... czytaj dalej

Erikson Wydawnictwo: inne

The Seven Cities Rebellion is over, Sha'ik is dead, but a last rebel force remains, holed up in the city of Y'Ghatan under the fanatical command of Leoman of the Flails. The prospect of laying siege to this... czytaj dalej

Invasion Handbook
T. Paulin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In The Invasion Handbook Tom Paulin sets out to recount the origins of the Second World War. The result is a triumph of technique, a simultaneous vision which proceeds by quotation and collage, catalogue and... czytaj dalej

Ten Nine Eight
Molly Bang Wydawnictwo: brak danych

"A palette of eye-filling colors appears to arise naturally from the love binding a father and his little 'big' girl who turn bedtime into playtime."-Publishers Weekly.... czytaj dalej

J. Poolman Wydawnictwo: inne

Janek Janowiec is awaiting trial. In his cramped attic apartment in Krakow he has decided to set straight the record of his life, and yet he is wracked by the guilt and knowledge of a number of terrible secrets... czytaj dalej