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Well Schooled in Murder
E. Georqe Wydawnictwo: inne

The body of one of the pupils of Bredgar Chambers School is discovered. Inspector Thomas Lynley and his partner, Barbara Havers, find their investigations hampered by the code of honour and loyalty of the school... czytaj dalej

Web of Deceit
Meade Wydawnictwo: inne

New York attorney Jennifer March is haunted by the mysterious and savage slaughter of her family on the same night that her father disappeared, never to be seen alive again. Two years on, his corpse is discovered... czytaj dalej

Toxic Der Biss
T. Sullivan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Detective Sergeant Seamus Moynihan steht vor dem spektakulärsten Fall seiner Karriere. Er hat drei Mordfälle aufzuklären, Männer im besten Alter, die nackt ans Bett gefesselt wurden und am Gift einer der tödlichsten... czytaj dalej

Sammy's Hill
K. Gore Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

A wonderfully funny, warm debut novel - with a hilarious and poignant look at life on Capitol Hill. Samantha (Sammy) Joyce is hard-working, idealistic and extremely competent - as well as just a little bit... czytaj dalej

Course of Honour
Lindsey Davis Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Ninth in Davis#8217; award-winning and acclaimed Falco novels.The love story of the Emperor Vespasian, who brought peace to Rome after years of strife, and his mistress, the freed slave woman Antonia Caenis... czytaj dalej

Fifth Woman
H. Mankell Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Four nuns and a fifth woman, a visitor to Africa, are killed in a savage night-time attack. Months later, in Sweden, the news of the unexplained tragedy sets off a cruel vengeance for these killings. Inspector... czytaj dalej

Tietam Brown
M. Foley Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Antietam (Andy) Brown - named for the great-great-grandfather who died on that Civil War battleground - was ten years old when he killed his abusive foster father. Now, after seven years in reform school, he... czytaj dalej

Round-heeled Woman
J. Juska Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

'Before I turn 67 - next March - I would like to have a lot of sex with a man I like. If you want to talk first, Trollope works for me.' - Small ad in the New York Review of Books'Round-heeled' is an old-fashioned... czytaj dalej

Mysteries of Eleusis
Margaret Doody Wydawnictwo: inne

In the winter of 330-329 BC Athens itself suffers a series of alarming thefts and home robberies. The great philosopher Aristotle helps his former student Stephanos investigate a break-in and brutal murder... czytaj dalej

Star of the Sea
O'Connor Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

In the bitter winter of 1847, from an Ireland torn by famine and injustice, the Star of the Sea sets sail for NewYork. On board are hundreds of refugees, some optimistic, many more desperate. Among them are... czytaj dalej