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Poetry Reader's Toolkit
M. Polonsky Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Poetry Reader's Toolkit was written to be just that: a toolkit to help students read and understand poetry. Students will learn how relevant and accessible poetry can be by walking through a wide variety... czytaj dalej

Uncrowned Eagles
W. Ułan Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Describes conditions under social and Political systems which were completely different fron those in the USA, Canada and other western countries. These are systems which no longer exist in Eastern Europe but... czytaj dalej

Using Internet for Political Research
H. Dawson Wydawnictwo: inne

It is a practical guide to using the Internet for political science research. This book shows the reader how to develop effective Internet searching strategies and indicates what is available online. It covers... czytaj dalej

Delivering E-Learning for Information Services in Higher Edu
Catherall Wydawnictwo: inne

Summary: This book provides a comprehensive overview of e-learning (online learning) systems in the context of system delivery for Higher Education Information Services. The book considers practical issues... czytaj dalej

Preston Douglas Wydawnictwo: inne

Blasphemy is the story of a group of researchers at Isabella, the new US government financed $40 billion particle accelerator, located on an Arizona reservation leased from the Navajos. The main goal of the... czytaj dalej

Pursuit of Genius
S. Batterson Wydawnictwo: inne

Batterson (mathematics and computer science, Emory U., Georgia) describes the founding of the Institute in 1930, inspired and guided by Abraham Flexner, and its evolution, particularly during its first decade... czytaj dalej

S. McEvoy Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The second edition of this best-selling guide demystifies Shakespeare’s plays and brings critical ideas within a beginner’s grasp. The text provides a thorough general introduction to the plays, based on the... czytaj dalej

Cambridge Introduction to Shakespeare's Tragedies
Dillon Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Macbeth clutches an imaginary dagger; Hamlet holds up Yorick's skull; Lear enters with Cordelia in his arms. Do these memorable and iconic moments have anything to tell us about the definition of Shakespearean... czytaj dalej

Reminiscence of a Roving Scholar
H. Yoke Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This fascinating book presents the unusual career of a scientist of Chinese Malaysian origin, Ho Peng Yoke, who became a humanist and rendered his services to both Eastern and Western intellectual worlds. It... czytaj dalej

Storm from the East
Viorst Milton Wydawnictwo: angielskie

An examination of the Middle East focuses on how the centuries-old conflict between the Arab world and the Christian West is based on the Arabs' rejection of Western-style democracy and modernism for the ability... czytaj dalej