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Fifth Book of Peace
Kingston Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

By the author of the bestselling The Woman Warrior, a magical book: a literature of peace built on the stories of war. Divided into four sections - 'Fire', 'Paper', 'Water' and 'Earth' - this book is neither... czytaj dalej

Silence of the Grave
A. Indridason Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Downtrodden Detective Erlendur and his team must once again investigate Reykjavik#8217;s hidden past to unravel a case of human nastiness.Construction work in an expanding Reykjavik uncovers a shallow grave... czytaj dalej

Rabbit & Turtle Go to School
Floyd Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Rabbit and Turtle race again, this time from their homes to school. Turtle takes the bus, but Rabbit runs fast. Who will win this time? It's not who you think! This schoolyard remake of a familiar fable finds... czytaj dalej

Cervantes the Novel & the New World
W. Armas Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Two sets of related issues prompt this study: the birth of the New World in European consciousness and the rise of the Cervantine novel in Spain. The first full-length study to move beyond an inventory of Cervantes's... czytaj dalej

Revenge Tragedy
Kerrigan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Revenge has long been central to European culture. From Homer to Nietzsche, St Paul to Sylvia Plath, numerous major authors have been fascinated by its emotional intensity, and by the questions which it raises... czytaj dalej

Christmas Tree
Myer Salaman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Narrated by the chief gardener from Rockefeller Center, it is the tale of a little girl named Anna from New York City who is orphaned and sent to live in a convent. Lonely and unaccustomed to her new surroundings... czytaj dalej

Bruce Coville's Shapeshifters
B. Coville Wydawnictwo: inne

Let the morphing begin! This book features "Homeward Bound" by Coville, plus fascinating seven tales of bizarre shapechangers, including "The Talking Sword" by Jack Dann and "The Changelings"... czytaj dalej

Queen of Dreams
C. Divakaruni Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'Rakhi, a young artist and divorced mother living in Berkeley, California, is struggling to keep her footing with her family and with a world in alarming transition. Her mother is a dream teller, born with... czytaj dalej

Samir & Yonatan
D. Carmi Wydawnictwo: brak danych

In a novel that forces your child to see human faces behind enemy lines, Palestinian Samir lands in an Israeli hospital ward, trapped among people he blames for his brother's death. But as he gets to know his... czytaj dalej

Series of Unfortunate Evens #4 Miserable Mill
L. Snicket Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The world's unluckiest trio of children have their most perilous adventure yet in The Miserable Mill, the fourth book in Lemony Snicket's delightful tales of woe, A Series of Unfortunate Events. Orphans Violet... czytaj dalej