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Memoires d'un Fou
Flaubert Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Les rapports de l'enfant Flaubert et de la littérature illustrent de façon exemplaire la naissance d'une vocation. Le petit garçon qui connaissait Don Quichotte par coeur avant de savoir lire avait déja senti... czytaj dalej

Ein Allzu Schoenes Maedchen
M. Altenburg Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Im Frankfurter Stadtwald werden die grauenhaft zugerichteten Leichen zweier junger Männer gefunden. Hauptkommissar Robert Marthaler wird mit der Aufklärung dieses schwierigen Falls betraut. Die grausamen Morde... czytaj dalej

British As a Second Language
D. Bennun Wydawnictwo: brak danych

David Bennun had lived in Africa his whole life. At the age of 18 he came to Britain, the mother country. The country he had read about in "Punch" magazine or seen in films like "Chariots of... czytaj dalej

Temple of Optimism
J. Fleming Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

'The Temple of Optimism' tells the tale of the relationships of two men and one woman in Derbyshire in 1788. Superficially, the plot is simple: Anthony Apreece covets the land of his young neighbour, Edward... czytaj dalej

Distant Land of My Father
Bo Caldwell Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Anna Schoene is a golden child. Her parents, Joseph and Genevieve, were rich American expats in Shanghai before the Japanese invaded, before the war intervened. The child of missionaries, Joseph Schoene has... czytaj dalej

L. Blissett Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Something of a publishing sensation elsewhere in Europe, Q is a convoluted historical thriller by a consortium of young pseudonymous authors, who, it has to be said, are a little too in love with their own... czytaj dalej

Very Long Engagement
S. Japrisot Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

During the First World War five French soldiers, accused of a cowardly attempt to evade duty, are bundled into no-man's land and certain death. Five bodies are later recovered, the families are notified that... czytaj dalej

A. Garros Wydawnictwo: inne

A Russian cyberthriller that has been a huge hit in Russia and now looks set to be an international cult novel.26-year-old Vadim hates his job in the PR department of Latvia#8217;s biggest bank. He spends his... czytaj dalej

Pharaoh's Daughter
Lester Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Born into slavery, adopted as an infant by a princess, and raised in the palace of mighty Pharaoh, Moses struggles to define himself. And so do the three women who love him: his own embittered mother, forced... czytaj dalej

Alphabet Weekends
Noble Wydawnictwo: inne

Liebeslektionen von A - Z! Sandkastenfreundschaften, gebrochene Herzen, Verzweiflung, Tragik und neuesGlück, alles liegt nah beieinander in dieser charmanten Geschichte zweier Familien.... czytaj dalej