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Dodd Christina Wydawnictwo: Bis

Sebastian Durant ma powody, by nienawidzić ród Fairchildów. Kiedy więc matka chrzestna prosi go pomoc w odnalezieniu kompromitującego pamiętnika, o którego kradzież podejrzewa kogoś z tej rodziny, nadarza mu... czytaj dalej

Christmas Garland
Max Beerbohm Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Few writers have possessed Max Beerbohm's talent for parody, and A Christmas Garland is perhaps the best collection of parodies ever written in English. Here are glorious, often loving spoofs of Beerbohm's... czytaj dalej

Bill Clinton An American Journey
Hamilton Wydawnictwo: inne

This biography relates Bill Clinton's upbringing in Arkansas, how he was inspired by Martin Luther King, and how as a student, he became a long-haired hippy musician, involved in radical politics and also discovering... czytaj dalej

Cycle de Fondation v5
Issac Asimov Wydawnictwo: angielskie

La Terre. Tout porte a croire que le légendaire berceau de l'humanité se trouve au coeur d'un vaste plan a l'échelle galactique, destiné a garantir en coulisses la pérennité de la civilisation: une synthese... czytaj dalej

Today I Feel Silly
J. Curtis Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Polska

This collection of short verses celebrates a variety of different moods and feelings such as happy, grumpy, joyful, lonely, and angry. Illustrated with color paintings. ... czytaj dalej

Books of Magic vol 2 Bindings
Jablonski Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Polska

Do you believe in magic? Timothy Hunter is just like any other thirteen-year-old boy in London . . . except for the tiny fact that he might be the most powerful magician of his time. An enigmatic man named... czytaj dalej

Pull of Moon
Berg Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

I'm sorry the note I left you was so abrupt. I just wanted you to know I was safe... I won't be back for a while. I'm on a trip. I needed all of a sudden to go, without saying where, because I don't know where... czytaj dalej

Yellow Rain
J. Llamazares Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Ainelle is a village high in the Spanish Pyrenees. Its houses now stand deserted - and have done so for many years - most of them in ruins. Its last surviving inhabitant, an old man at death's door, lingers... czytaj dalej

Day After Day
C. Lucarelli Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

A professional killer is at large in the cities of Italy. Code-named 'Pit Bull', he is a master of disguise and an expert with weapons. He modifies his guns and his bullets are untraceable. His skill with prosthetics... czytaj dalej

Ch Ryan Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Three years ago Matt Browning was thrown out of the unit for questioning an order #8211; and he was on his way out of the SAS. Now, just when he thinks he has put military life behind him, he finds himself... czytaj dalej