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Rodzinne podobieństwo
Tanya Maria Barrientos Wydawnictwo: Muza

Kiedy Regina DeLeon umarła jej córka - Juanita - miała dwanaście lat. Teraz, ćwierć wieku później, ojciec Juanity, dostaje wylewu i ulega niemal całkowitemu paraliżowi, a Nita musi zmierzyć się nie tylko z... czytaj dalej

Matter of Honour
J. Archer Wydawnictwo: angielskie

He should never have opened the envelope... Adam Scott listens to the reading of his father's will, aware that the results can only be pitiful. The Colonel, after all, had nothing to leave - except a letter... czytaj dalej

Vergiss Mein Nicht
T. Schwaner Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Es ist ein heißer Sommerabend in Heartsdale, Georgia. Auf dem Parkplatz der Rollschuhbahn droht die dreizehnjährige Jenny den drei jahre älteren Herzensbrecher Mark zu erschießen. Behutsam versucht Polizeichef... czytaj dalej

Their Eyes Were Watching God
Z. Hurston Wydawnictwo: angielskie

When Janie Starks returns to her rural Florida home, her small black community is overwhelmed with curiosity about her relationship with a younger man. ... czytaj dalej

Sebald Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

The Emigrants is a meditation on memory and loss. Sebald re-creates the lives of four exiles--five if you include his oblique self-portrait--through their own accounts, others' recollections and pictures and... czytaj dalej

First Day
Mackall Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A playful, upbeat look at a nervous student's first day of school ... czytaj dalej

Magic School Bus #18 The Fishy Field Trip
Schwabacher Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Oops! The class project on coral reefs has fallen into the aquarium. What will the Friz do? Take a trip to see the real thing of course! Your child will hop on the bus and join the class on a trip to the Great... czytaj dalej

Shrek & Fiona's Slide Show
L. Dower Wydawnictwo: brak danych

As an anniversary present for Shrek and Fiona, Donkey throws a big surprise party and sets up the slide show to end all slide shows!Now you can help Fiona and Shrek relive their exciting life together by following... czytaj dalej

No Man's Land
S. Bartoletti Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Fourteen-year-old Thrasher Magee is too young to enlist in the Confederate Army, but he has his own reasons for wanting to fight in the war. All of his life, Thrasher's father has made him feel week and cowardly... czytaj dalej

Book About Planets & Star
Betty Reigot Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Which planet has storms wilder than hurricanes? Why do scientists think there could be life on Mars? What are black holes, white dwarves, and supernovas? Find out about the wonders of our solar system and the... czytaj dalej