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Northern Light
Donnelly Wydawnictwo: angielskie

An astonishing and heartbreaking debut--the story of a young woman's coming-of-age and the murder that rocked turn-of-the-century America... czytaj dalej

Art of Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith
J. Rinzler Wydawnictwo: inne

Packed with breathtaking visuals created by a team of world-class artists, The Art of Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith reveals an essential element of the climactic finale of the Star Wars film saga... czytaj dalej

Norton Anthology of English Literature v 2
S. Greenblatt Wydawnictwo: angielskie

With 274 authors, the Eighth Edition deepens its representation of essential works in all genres, ranging from Seamas Heaney's award-winning translation of Beowulf, Milton's Paradise Lost, and More's Utopia... czytaj dalej

Legend of the Wandering King
Laura Garcia Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Inspired by the true story of a real prince of pre-Islamic Arabia: Prince Walid ordered a man to create an impossible work of art. After the man died weaving it, Walid discovered his life's quest: to recover... czytaj dalej

Chocolate Fever
R. Smith Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Henry loves chocolate so much, it practically flows through his veins. Chocolate cake, chocolate cereal, chocolate syrup, chocolate milk and chocolate cookies-and that's just breakfast! Still, it comes as a... czytaj dalej

How to Write Essays Coursework Projects & Dissertations in L
A. Durant Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The first book that literature students should read, this guide reveals the distinct set of skills, conventions and methods of essay and dissertation writing.Taking students through the various stages of writing... czytaj dalej

From Where I Sit
S. Nixon Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Shelley Nixon loves to laugh, to write stories and poetry, and to challenge herself. In this heartfelt autobiography, she tells readers how she does all this while confined to a wheelchair and living with all... czytaj dalej

R. Westall Wydawnictwo: brak danych

An exciting new package for an 80,000-copy bestseller. In Robert Westall's critically acclaimed novel, a courageous black cat journeys through war-torn England searching for her beloved master. "A moving and stirring novel... czytaj dalej

Zucchini Warriors
G. Korman Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Roommates Bruno and Boots find obstacles in their way as they attempt to lead the Macdonald Hall Zucchini Warriors to a victorious football season and earn the reward of a new recreation center. ... czytaj dalej

Back to the Titanic!
B. Gormley Wydawnictwo: brak danych

First book of a trilogy full of action, adventure, science and discovery. Matt, Emily and Jonathan use a time machine to return to the Titanic determined to prevent its sinking. Can they save the great ship... czytaj dalej