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Book of Bible Stories
H. Amery Wydawnictwo: angielskie

An ideal gift for very young children, this special collection of Bible stories comes with an audio, read-along CD, narrated by Jonathan Kydd. The rich combination of Jonathan's dramatic storytelling and plenty... czytaj dalej

Animal World
Howell Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This collectible series builds into a fascinating library of reference material, covering every aspect of Key Stage 2 science and beyond. When used in conjunction with www.usborne-quicklinks.com, the reader... czytaj dalej

Jason & Argonauts
F. Brooks Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Follow the tales of Jason and his fearless crew, the Argonauts, as they encounter dangers from monsters to a merciless sea god in their quest to bring the Golden Fleece back to Greece. Packed with action and... czytaj dalej

Usborne Introduction to Archaeology
S. Reid Wydawnictwo: angielskie

From hieroglyphics to Stonehenge, this brand new book brings together archaeological information from around the worldUnwrap a virtual mummy and decipher ancient writings on the recommended websitesBeautifully... czytaj dalej

V. Jabotinsky Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The Five is an captivating novel of the decadent fin-de-siecle written by Vladimir Jabotinsky (1880-1940), a controversial leader in the Zionist movement whose literary talents, until now, have largely gone... czytaj dalej

Romantic Moods Paranoia, Trauma, and Melancholy, 1790-1840
T. Pfau Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Thomas Pfau reinterprets the evolution of British and German Romanticism as a progress through three successive dominant moods each manifested in the "voice" of historical moment. Drawing on a multifaceted... czytaj dalej

Bread for Departed
Wojdowski Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Bogdan Wojdowski's novel Bread for the Departed details the experience of the Jewish community in Warsaw between 1940 and 1942; the final chapters take place during the mass deportation of Warsaw's Jewish community... czytaj dalej

Santa Claus
L. Saachi Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In 1989, author Luca Sacchi began collecting Santa Claus objects and since then has amassed nearly 1,900 pieces. This book features the best of his vast collection. By hunting through flea markets, shops, or... czytaj dalej

Pleasures of Horror
Hills Wydawnictwo: inne

Pleasures of Horror is a stimulating and insightful exploration of horror fictions -- literary, cinematic and televisual -- and the emotions they engender in their audiences. The text is divided into three... czytaj dalej

Gene Machines
F. Balkwill Wydawnictwo: inne

The 'Enjoy Your Cells' series offers children a simple but scientifically accurate commentary, complemented with colourful graphics to take young readers on an entertaining exploration of the amazing, hidden... czytaj dalej