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English Correspondence
Davey Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Sylvie is half French and half English. Since the death of her mother, she has written weekly letters to her father in London. When he too dies unexpectedly, she waits for the letter she knows he must have... czytaj dalej

Dumas Club
Perez-Reverte Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Michael Kerrigan, Scotsman#8216;A dizzyingly complicated, dazzlingly allusive, breathlessly exciting novel of adventure and detection#8217; New Yorker'Even a reader armed with a Latin dictionary and a copy... czytaj dalej

Hamilton Case
M. Kretser Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

The place is Ceylon, the time the 1930s. Set amid tea plantations, corruption and the backwash of empire, this gripping novel has a pitch-perfect ear for the comedy and a sharp eye for the tragedy of a world... czytaj dalej

B. Nicholson Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Arno Strine, a modest temporary typist who has perfected the knack of stopping time in its tracks and taking women's clothes off, is hard at work on his autobiography, 'The Fermata'.... czytaj dalej

Jumping Fire
M. Taylor Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The author's chronicle of one summer as an Alaskan smokejumper reflects on the years of training, the adrenaline-fueled jumps, his brushes with death, the fires he conquered, and the ones that got away. ... czytaj dalej

When the Nines Roll Over
D. Benioff Wydawnictwo: inne

Over the course of eight tales, this work introduces us to a record company exec searching for a rock star, an inexperienced Russian soldier trapped between his murderous colleagues and a clever old woman,... czytaj dalej

Redemption of Althalus
L. Eddings Wydawnictwo: inne

Mythmakers and world builders of the first order, the Eddingses spin tales that make imaginations soar. Readers have thrilled to The Belgariad and The Malloreon, magic-filled masterworks chronicling the timeless... czytaj dalej

H. Yglesias Wydawnictwo: inne

The youngest of four sisters, a noted New York writer and critic, eighty-year-old Jenny has flown to Miami Beach to help her flamboyant sister Flora (the Sandra Bernhardt of the senior set) deal with their... czytaj dalej

Stephens Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Victor is a good pup and always does as he is told, but Butch is small and bad and loves being naughty and now Victor wants to be bad too. But being bad isn't as easy as he thinks. ... czytaj dalej

Mozart Season
Virginia Wolff Euwer Wydawnictwo: brak danych

When 12-year-old Allegra learns that she will spend her summer studying Mozart's Fourth Violin Concerto in preparation for a young musician's competition, she knows she must make sacrifices. Is this what she... czytaj dalej