This dark and gritty middle-grade science-fiction series begins in the year 2011, when the world is about to be destroyed. A handful of people board a revamped space shuttle and are placed into suspended animation. Five hundred years later, a few passengers awake to find that the rest haven't survived the journey. Alone in space, they discover that the very future of the human race is in their hands. Where would the Rock hit? Would it hit far out in the ocean and send a wave to wash this idylic place into the sea like a sandcastle with the tide coming in? Would the Rock hit far across the planet and break the world apart? There'll be so much left to do. So much to say. But what do you say at the end of the world?
Informacje dodatkowe o Remnants Destination Unknown:
Wydawnictwo: brak danych
Data wydania: b.d
Kategoria: Literatura piękna
Liczba stron: 0
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