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Mission des Wanderchirurgen
W. Serno Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Vitus, der weit gereiste Wanderchirurg und mutmaßliche Erbe von Schloss Collincourt, ist untröstlich: Seine geliebte Arlette, nach der er so lange gesucht hat, stirbt in seinen Armen an der Pest. Doch vorher... czytaj dalej

Battle for Christabel
M. Foster Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Rowena wants a baby. What she doesn't want is the baby's father. Yet five years after the birth of Christabel, Rowena is dead, tragically killed in a climbing accident. The battle for Christabel has begun...... czytaj dalej

Only Girl in the Car
K. Dobie Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

From the moment fourteen-year-old Kathy decides to lose her virginity and reels in her prey, she is headed for trouble. One cold, raw March night, parked in a car on the outskirts of town with four boys she... czytaj dalej

After Fire
Belva Plain Wydawnictwo: brak danych

What happens when the picture-perfect marriage dissolves?In her stunning new novel, New York Times bestselling author Belva Plain penetrates a shattered marriage to explore one of the most provocative issues... czytaj dalej

Beyond Jupiter the Story of Planetary Astronomer
Haidi Hammel Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Heidi Hammel is a planetary astronomer, a scientist who uses the world's most powerful telescopes to learn about planets. The giant planets Neptune and Uranus are her specialties. She was on the team that first... czytaj dalej

R. Lipsyte Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Seventeen-year-old Alfred Brooks is tired of running from the gangs in his native Harlem. His salvation is the gym that he accidentally discovers, where he realizes his talents as a boxer, and gets on the road... czytaj dalej

Beyond the Burning Time
K. Lasky Wydawnictwo: brak danych

A Newbery Honor author brilliantly recaptures one of the most horrific times in American history. Little Betty Parris has come down with a mysterious ailment that quickly spreads to other girls in the Puritan... czytaj dalej

Powrót posła
Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz Wydawnictwo: Zielona Sowa

Utwór opatrzony jest komentarzami i odsyłaczami ułatwiającymi odnalezienie fragmentów tekstu zawierających opis bohatera czy zwrotny moment akcji.... czytaj dalej

Fate of the Fallen
I. Irvine Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The maimed God-Emperor's grip on the world is almost complete. The populace now lives in fear, manipulated by an elaborate network of spies. But the God-Emperor does have a weakness: his son Nish, buried for... czytaj dalej

Cambridge Introduction to Emily Dickinson
Martin Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Emily Dickinson is best known as an intensely private, even reclusive writer. Yet the way she has been mythologised has meant her work is often misunderstood. This introduction delves behind the myth to present... czytaj dalej