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I'm sorry the note I left you was so abrupt. I just wanted you to know I was safe... I won't be back for a while. I'm on a trip. I needed all of a sudden to go, without saying where, because I don't know where... czytaj dalej
Oxford, 2006: a young woman is found brutally murdered, her throat cut. Her heart has been removed and in its place lies an apparently ancient gold coin. Twenty-four hours later, another woman is found. The... czytaj dalej
The mouse detectives are back--with a buggy mystery to solve! ... czytaj dalej
WAR TO THE DEATHThe Pandion Knight Sparhawk had bested the massed forces of the God Cyrgon upon the field of battle. But victory turned to ashes when the foul God's minions kidnapped Sparhawk's wife, the beautiful... czytaj dalej
A dazzling collection of short works crafted with all the weight and resonance of the novels for which E L Doctorow is famous.... czytaj dalej
Frédéric Chopin#8217;s reputation as one of the Great Romantics endures, but as Benita Eisler reveals in her elegant and elegiac biography, the man was more complicated than his iconic image. A classicist,... czytaj dalej
These inventors have inspired a wealth of new inventions, some essential and some that are just plain silly. From the wheel to virtual reality systems, Incredible Inventions checks out a crucial collection... czytaj dalej
When it comes to interacting with kids, there is no better communicator - and instigator - than Bill Cosby. He has made an art out of talking to children by letting them be funny naturally. 'When talking to... czytaj dalej
On the Chinese New Year, 6-year-old Ernie will perform his first Lion Dance. An intimate look at a Chinese household as the family shares a proud moment with their son.... czytaj dalej
The sequel to Freak the Mighty, the dramatic, heartwrenching tale teams Max with another outcase, Worm, nicknamed for her interest in books. The two outsiders turn to each other for survival. Written in a haunting... czytaj dalej