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Eatings Fractions
Bruce McMillan Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Self-described ``photo-illustrator'' McMillan ( Mary Had a Little Lamb ; One, Two, One Pair! ) continues to focus his talents on the concept picture book--and once again brings his fresh perspective to this... czytaj dalej

New Kids in Town
J. Bode Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Eleven teenage immigrants tell compelling stories of their escape from war, poverty, and repression to carve out new lives in America. "Distinct both in voice and personal detail."-Bulletin of the... czytaj dalej

K. Henkes Wydawnictwo: brak danych

In this story, a shy girl insists that her imaginary friend Jessica is not made up and when she meets a real girl named Jessica, their friendship blossoms.... czytaj dalej

Make Lemonade
V. Wolff Wydawnictwo: brak danych

LaVaughn needed a part-time job. What she got was a baby-sitting gig with Jolly, an unwed teen mother. With two kids hanging in the balance, they need to make the best out of life -- and they can only do it... czytaj dalej

Laceys of Liverpool
M. Lee Wydawnictwo: Orion

Vivacious Alice Lacey couldn't be more different from her sister in law, the bitter, ambitious Cora. Alice is married to John, Cora to his hapless younger brother, Billie. Both women give birth to sons on one... czytaj dalej

Edgar Allan Poe
Zimmerman Wydawnictwo:

Critics have often charged Edgar Allan Poe with sloppy writing. Using stylistics and classical rhetorical theory, Brett Zimmerman demonstrates that Poe was in fact a brilliant and deliberate lexical technician... czytaj dalej

Anchor Book of New American Short Stories
B. Marcus Wydawnictwo: inne

Edited by the award-winning author of "Notable American Women," this engaging and comprehensive collection contains 29 short stories that show the stylistic variety of the medium in America today... czytaj dalej

Vicious Circle Novel Of Complicity
R. Littell Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A well-known fundamentalist rabbi is taken hostage by a kidnapper who demands the release of several Palestinian prisoners. As Israel coaxes an aging Mossad officer out of retirement, the prisoner and captor... czytaj dalej

Three in Death
Robb J. Wydawnictwo: inne

Includes these three favorites: "Interlude In Death," "Midnight In Death," "Haunted In Death" Number-one "New York Times" bestselling author Nora Roberts writing as J... czytaj dalej

Brady Joan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Whitbread Award?winning novelist Brady (Theory of War) has crafted an action-packed, densely woven thriller set in Springfield, Ill., about a blind attorney and the young man who may or may not have murdered... czytaj dalej