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The boy from another world learns the best and worst of Earth's civilization as he searches for the way back to his own planet. "Well-written fantasy with strong character emphasis and empathy."-Kirkus.... czytaj dalej
The famous boy detective's collection of more than 200 strange, comical, true crimes. Illustrated with cartoons.... czytaj dalej
The uptown girls are headed downtown as Serena and Jenny take on their new fabulous roles as rock-star model girlfriends of New York's hottest band, The Raves. Meanwhile, Dan is too busy drowning his sorrows... czytaj dalej
Jeśli zastanawialiście się kiedyś, jakby wyglądał obiad z Franzem Kafką, Jane Austen czy Raymondem Chandlerem, macie teraz szansę zaspokoić waszą ciekawość. Literacki brzuchomówca Mark Crick przedstawia 14... czytaj dalej
Garrett Durrell does not like the situation in which we first find him ? he?s been flown and driven through the night with his hands cuffed behind his back, slowly going numb, with two escorts. You might think... czytaj dalej
Endlessly restless and endlessly curious, Isabella Bird (1831-1904) travelled the world looking for new experiences, but never more delightfully than in her pony-bound adventures in the Colorado Territory at... czytaj dalej
To ostatnia pozycja z serii z autografem Janusza St. Pasierba, zawierająca w pierwszej części szkice o mistrzach sztuki bycia człowiekiem: Erazma z Rotterdamu, Mikołaja Sępa Szarzyńskiego, Alberta Schweitzera... czytaj dalej
Former U.S. Senator Quintrell is dead.His son, New Mexico's governor, is preparing hisrun for the highest political office in the land. And dark family secrets are about to explode with thedevastating force... czytaj dalej
Six friends are selling home appliances to the US from a call centre in India. They have serious issues of the heart. Call agent Sam (real name Shyam) works right next to the girl who's just dumped him. And... czytaj dalej