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Poets Laureate in the Holy Roman Empire
J. Flood Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Petrarch's revival of the ancient practice of laureation in 1341 led to the laurel being conferred on poets throughout Europe in the later Middle Ages and the Early Modern period. Within the Holy Roman Empire... czytaj dalej

Old Man Goya
Blackburn Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

An intimate account of the life of Francisco de Goya from 1792 when he was 47 and contracted a serious illness which left him totally deaf. Through a time of political turmoil, war, violence and confusion,... czytaj dalej

Black Maps
Spiegelman Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Years after the personal tragedy that scarred his life, Private Investigator John March lives a twilight existence in Manhattan. He is tough and ruthlessly efficient in his professional life, yet introspective... czytaj dalej

Zero Option
Chris Ryan Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

SAS Sergeant Geordie Sharp is required to undertake two top-secret missions, in the full knowledge that, if things go wrong, the authorities will deny all involvement. In the first mission he is to serve as... czytaj dalej

Slaughter Wydawnictwo: inne

When medical examiner Sara Linton and police chief Jeffrey Tolliver take a trip away from the small town of Heartsdale - an escape from all the pressures which complicate their relationship - it should be a... czytaj dalej

In America
Sontag Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

In 1876, a group of Poles led by Maryna Zalewska, Poland's greatest actress, travels to California to found a 'utopian' commune. The commune fails, and most of the group go home, but Maryna stays and triumphs... czytaj dalej

School Run
S. King Wydawnictwo: inne

This work describes a week in the lives of seven people - all on the same route to school: Harriet is waiting for her husband to tell her if their marriage is on - or off. Pippa is about to receive some potentially... czytaj dalej

Norton Anthology of English Literature Middle Ages
S. Greenblatt Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A best-seller for more than forty years, this is the survey of English literature from the Middle Ages to the twenty-first century. With 274 authors, the Eighth Edition deepens its representation of essential... czytaj dalej

Arthur Trilogy #2 At the Crossing-Places
K. Crossley-Holland Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Now in the year 1200, fourteen-year-old narrator Arthur leaves his home at Caldicot to serve as squire to Sir Stephen, who plans to join the Fourth Crusade. Arthur's life is filled with honing his fighting... czytaj dalej

Justice Hall
L. King Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Only hours after Holmes and Russell return from solving one murky riddle on the moor, another knocks on their front door...literally. It#8217;s a mystery that begins during the Great War, when Gabriel Hughenfort... czytaj dalej