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Justice Hall
L. King Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Only hours after Holmes and Russell return from solving one murky riddle on the moor, another knocks on their front door...literally. It#8217;s a mystery that begins during the Great War, when Gabriel Hughenfort... czytaj dalej

L. Greenlaw Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Minsk is Lavinia Greenlaw's third collection, and the first since the title poem of A World Where News Travelled Slowly won the Forward Prize for the year's finest poem of 1997. From London Zoo to an Essex... czytaj dalej

R. Lipsyte Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Seventeen-year-old Alfred Brooks is tired of running from the gangs in his native Harlem. His salvation is the gym that he accidentally discovers, where he realizes his talents as a boxer, and gets on the road... czytaj dalej

Spot Can Cout
Eric Hill Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Flaps on every page reveal an increasing number of surprises, as Spot counts from one to ten as he meets animals on the farm. One small mouse under some sacks is followed by two squirrels in a tree and so on... czytaj dalej

Muller's Lab
Otis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Many scientific structures and systems are named after Johannes Muller, one of the most respected anatomists and physiologists of the 19th century. Muller was a mentor to many scientists of his age, many of... czytaj dalej

Cambridge Introduction to Emily Dickinson
Martin Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Emily Dickinson is best known as an intensely private, even reclusive writer. Yet the way she has been mythologised has meant her work is often misunderstood. This introduction delves behind the myth to present... czytaj dalej

Księga fraszek
Syjud Jerzy Wydawnictwo: Videograf II

Fraszki m.in.:O kobietachO małżeństwieO miłościO moralnościO sztuceO zdrowiu... czytaj dalej

Krokodil im Nacken
Kordon Klaus Wydawnictwo: inne

Soll man sich das antun? Noch einmal Nachkriegszeit und deutsche Teilung, Mauerbau und Stasi-Knast? Tun Sie es, Sie werden es nicht bereuen. Auf 800 Seiten keine flaue Stelle, kein Hänger. Der Bestsellerautor... czytaj dalej

Plum Wine
Davis-Gardner Angela Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Bottles of homemade plum wine link two worlds, two eras, and two lives through the eyes of Barbara Jefferson, a young American teaching at a Tokyo university. When her surrogate mother, Michi, dies, Barbara... czytaj dalej

James Lovegrove Wydawnictwo: Muza

Zwalista bryła największego na świecie gigamarketu Days przypomina główkę monstrualnego gwoździa wbitego w planetę młotkiem samego Boga. Jeśli masz za sobą lata oszczędzania i wyrzeczeń, jeśli wreszcie osiągnąłeś... czytaj dalej