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Hedwig i Berti
Frieda Arkin Wydawnictwo: Muza

Małżeństwo Kesslerów - niemieckich Żydów o korzeniach sięgających szesnastego wieku - których poznajemy w dramatycznym momencie nazistowskiego terroru na początku lat czterdziestych dwudziestego wieku, to zupełnie... czytaj dalej

De Moor Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A novel set in 18th-century Naples. For one entire season, Carlotta sits in her candle-lit box, held in the spell of a world in which knowledge, beauty and love collide: music. She has fallen in love with the... czytaj dalej

C. McCullough Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Polska

The bestselling author of THE THORN BIRDS returns with a novel of laughter, passion and more than a little magic ! 1960, Sydney's Kings Cross. Harriet Purcell leaves her conventional, respectable home and respectable... czytaj dalej

Too Big Too Small Just Right
Minters Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Two rabbits searching for a new home encounter such opposites as big and small, short and tall, and heavy and light. ... czytaj dalej

Memories of Catholic Girlhood
M. McCarhy Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Mary McCarthy records those incidents in her childhood that most affected her religious outlook and early development as an artist. ... czytaj dalej

Famished Road
Ben Okri Wydawnictwo: brak danych

In the decade since it won the Booker Prize, Ben Okri's Famished Road has become a classic. Like Salman Rushdie's Midnight's Children or Gabriel Garcia Marquez's One Hundred Years of Solitude, it combines brilliant... czytaj dalej

It's Not the End of the World
J. Blume Wydawnictwo: brak danych

It's Not The End Of The World I want a mother and a father and I want them to live together-right here-in this house!Karen Newman can't believe it when her father moves out.  How could her parents do this?  Don't... czytaj dalej

Beacons of Light Lighthouses
Gail Gibbons Wydawnictwo: brak danych

FLASH... FLASH... FLASH...A lighthouse signals from the rocky shore, guiding ships away from danger. Once sailors watched for giant bonfires that were set high on hills. Now, most lighthouses are fully automated... czytaj dalej

Circle of Magic #04 Briar's Book
T. Pierce Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Briar, a magician in training, discovers a victim of a strange disease, who turns out to be impervious to every spell. Can Briar strengthen her powers in time to save the innocent?Page TurnersReaders on the... czytaj dalej

Usborne first Encyclopedia of Space
P. Dowswell Wydawnictwo: angielskie

An exciting visual adventure into the fascinating world of space, with satellite photographs and detailed illustrations. Simple everyday language reveals the latest information about the universe. Over 40 Usborne-recommended... czytaj dalej