Książki - nowości - Literatura piękna

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Czarne Śnieżki. W obliczu śmierci Jana Pawła II
Gąsiorowski Krzysztof Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Tomik wierszy Krzysztofa Gąsiorowskiego, poety, krytyka, współzałożyciela Klubu Hybrydy i "Orientacji Poetyckiej Hybrydy".... czytaj dalej

S. Junger Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Polska

A riveting collection of literary journalism by the bestselling author of The Perfect Storm, capped off brilliantly by a new Afterword and a timely essay about war-torn Afghanistan -- a superb eyewitness report... czytaj dalej

Eight days of Luke
Jones Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Polska

'Just kindle a flame and I'll be with you.' It's summer vacation, but David's miserably stuck with his unpleasant relatives. Then a strange boy named Luke turns up, charming and fun, joking that David has released... czytaj dalej

Convenient Marriage
Heyer Wydawnictwo: inne

When the most eligible Earl of Rule offers for the hand of the Beauty of the Winwood Family, he has no notion of the distress he causes his intended. For Miss Lizzie Winwood is promised to the excellent, but... czytaj dalej

Mr Putter & Tabby Catch the Cold
A. Howard Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Even though Tabby tries to keep him warm, Mr. Putter catches a cold in this cozy addition to the series.... czytaj dalej

Mutual Flame
G. Knight Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Part I THE SONNETS Facts and Problems 3 (19) The Integration Pattern 22 (36) Symbolism 58 (11) Time and Eternity... czytaj dalej

Silver Chair book 6 Chronicles of Narnia
C. Lewis Wydawnictwo: brak danych

King Caspian has grown old and sad in the ten years since the disappearance of his only son. With time running out, Jill and Eustace embark on a perilous quest to find the Prince and bring tranquility back... czytaj dalej

Dragon Sword 5
R. Soesbee Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Released from Maddoc's spell, Asvoria must reclaim her magic sword, but Davyn and his friends must locate the sword first to stop Asvoria and free Nearra. ... czytaj dalej

Anton Chekhov a Life
Rayfild Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Anton Chekhovs life was short, intense, and dominated by battles - both with his dependents and with the tuberculosis that was to kill him at age forty-four. He was one of the greatest playwrights and short-story... czytaj dalej

Dwoje do pary
Davis Jim Wydawnictwo: Egmont

Kontynuacja popularnej serii książek o leniwym i najdowcipniejszym kocie świata. Tym razem Garfield sprzedaje swoje złote myśli i wypowiada się, w typowym dla siebie stylu, na temat miłości. Ten kocur podbił serce dużych i małych.... czytaj dalej