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Charlie Johnson is a veteran war correspondent who thinks he has seen it all - until he makes one rash expedition into a war zone in the Balkans. Horrified, he watches as a woman who sheltered him is set on... czytaj dalej
Deep in the forest, young Merlin falls into the hands of the wodewose--wild folk who are actually a family of the unwanted. Although he is at home among the clan, the boy must follow his visions and confront... czytaj dalej
Oscar Wilde's Decorated Books addresses Wilde's obsession with the visual appearance or "look" of his published writings. It examines the role played by graphic designers in the production of Wilde's... czytaj dalej
Flowers, Kansas is a flat place where anything that happens gets noticed. Each chapter of this book is a brief vignette about the people who frequent the Van Gogh Cafe, and the magic that happens in their lives... czytaj dalej
This collectible series builds into a fascinating library of reference material, covering every aspect of Key Stage 2 science and beyond. When used in conjunction with www.usborne-quicklinks.com, the reader... czytaj dalej
A vibrant Jewish community flourished in Poland from late in the tenth century until it was virtually annihilated in World War II. In this remarkable anthology, the first of its kind, Harold B. Segel offers... czytaj dalej
It is difficult to imagine an audience for these cranky letters, so obsessive that their recipients probably threw them away without a second thought. According to Kosicka, a translator, and Gerould, Kosicka's... czytaj dalej
How are children around the world different from us? How are they the same? In this series, readers will learn about each country's traditions and history, as well as how kids around the world spend their daily... czytaj dalej
The cultural history of 20th-century Germany, more perhaps than that of any other European country, was decisively influenced by political forces and developments. This volume of essays focuses on the relationship... czytaj dalej
Four uproarious new stories in which the Queen visits Horrid Henry's school and watches the children make wattle and daub; and Horrid Henry tries to hypnotise Moody Margaret, tricks Perfect Peter into doing... czytaj dalej