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Goosebumps Monster Blood
Stine Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Evan's great-aunt Kathryn is a bit weird, but what is on the shelves of her dusty old store is even weirder. The can of "monster blood" seems like it would be fun to play with. Then the strange green... czytaj dalej

Lucifer Code
M. Cordy Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Lucifer The Light Age has dawned. Light divides the universe into two: day and night. Good and evil. Life and death. Now its power, harnessed by a new generation of optical computers, attempts to answer mankind#8217;s... czytaj dalej

Kids Say Darndest Things
B. Cosby Wydawnictwo: brak danych

When it comes to interacting with kids, there is no better communicator - and instigator - than Bill Cosby. He has made an art out of talking to children by letting them be funny naturally. 'When talking to... czytaj dalej

Public Property
A. Motion Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In his first collection since being appointed Poet Laureate, Andrew Motion negotiates the very space of poetry, moving between private and public realms, pondering each from the other's borders. In the opening... czytaj dalej

California Blue
D. Klass Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Teenager John Rodgers and his dying father find themselves on opposite sides of an environmental battlefield that John has discovered. Can John stand up for the butterfly-against his father and the whole town... czytaj dalej

Ballerina Dreams #02 Jasmine's Lucky Star
Bryant Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Jasmine dreams of being a world-famous ballerina, but her Dad wants her to give up ballet and concentrate on schoolwork. Will she be the star of the end-of-term ballet show and convince him to change his mind?... czytaj dalej

Miraculous Day of Amalia Gomez
J. Rechy Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In The Miraculous Day of Amalia Gomez, Amalia Gomez thinks she sees a large silver cross in the sky. A miraculous sign, perhaps, but one the down-to-earth Amalia does not trust. Through Amalia, we take a vivid... czytaj dalej

Kate Caterina
W. Riviere Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Kate Fenn, a great English beauty, marries a young left-wing Italian doctor and moves to Tuscany where she relishes the beauty of the countryside and the strong family ties of the D'Alessandrias. In the passionate... czytaj dalej

Próba oddalenia
Seweryn Pollak Wydawnictwo: Nowy Świat

Rosnący kunszt tych wierszy i ich rosnąca waga nie mogą być niedostrzeżone przez czytelnika i przynoszą mu wiele satysfakcji. (Julia Hartwig, z Przedmowy) W tym, że Sewer, wraz ze swoją piękną, lewicową kartą... czytaj dalej

The Painter of Signs
R. K. Narayan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In this wry, funny, bittersweet story, love gets in the way of progress when Raman, a sign painter, meets the thrillingly independent Daisy, who wishes to bring birth control to the city of Malgudi.... czytaj dalej