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"Secrets, Lies, Gizmos, and Spies" is a heavily-illustrated volume which details the secret history of spies and espionage through the ages. From the Trojan War to WW II, all aspiring secret agents... czytaj dalej
Zbigniew Herbert's death last summer prevented him from taking his place alongside fellow Poles Czeslaw Milosz and Wislawa Symborska in the lists of Nobel laureates. The release of ELEGY FOR THE DEPARTURE AND... czytaj dalej
A wealthy ex-farmer is brutally murdered in suburban Johannesburg. Why does his estranged wife not seem surprised, and insist that the killer will be found in the Northern Cape? That is where the victim's plantations... czytaj dalej
Flaps on every page reveal an increasing number of surprises, as Spot counts from one to ten as he meets animals on the farm. One small mouse under some sacks is followed by two squirrels in a tree and so on... czytaj dalej
The maimed God-Emperor's grip on the world is almost complete. The populace now lives in fear, manipulated by an elaborate network of spies. But the God-Emperor does have a weakness: his son Nish, buried for... czytaj dalej
Beyond high iron gates fastened shut with a length of chain, lies the stark, beautiful Trawbawn. Here, haunted by a dark, mysterious past and largely ignored by the villagers of nearby Skibbereen, lives the... czytaj dalej
Peter Bergen, author of Holy War, Inc.Deeply researched, well reported and full of interesting and surprising analyses. It demands to be read. Gavin EslerThis is a must-read book for anyone interested in understanding... czytaj dalej
Egyptian Nobel laureate Naguib Mahfouz draws on his homeland's rich engagement with the afterlife - and his own near - death experience at the hands of a would-be assassin - in these newly translated, brilliantly... czytaj dalej
Roberto Bata, młody dziennikarz zmęczony rutyną pracy w mediolańskim tygodniku i tyranizowany przez cynicznego i lekceważącego ludzi redaktora naczelnego z każdym dniem popada w większą frustrację. Na dodatek... czytaj dalej
Bottles of homemade plum wine link two worlds, two eras, and two lives through the eyes of Barbara Jefferson, a young American teaching at a Tokyo university. When her surrogate mother, Michi, dies, Barbara... czytaj dalej