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Birch Grove & Other Stories
Iwaszkiewicz Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Iwaszkiewicz's work is familiar to every Polish reader, yet remains unknown to the outside world. These stories were all written in the 1930s, and provide an extraordinary evocation of Poland's first brief... czytaj dalej

Trading Up
Bushnell Wydawnictwo: inne

In SEX AND THE CITY, Candace Bushnell touched the chord of a generation. In TRADING UP, she further explores the trendy life in Manhattan with the story of a lingerie model named Janey Wilcox who finds that... czytaj dalej

Roberta Intrarer Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Toothy grins and yawns, bright eyes, pouts, and tears deliver reinforcement for the spare text that echoes what all parents (and photographers) say and play to get that picture-perfect response; e.g., "Look... czytaj dalej

Thief Lord
C. Junke Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Cornelia Funke's international award-winning novel, The Thief Lord took Europe by storm and lands on this shore with widespread acclaim. Filled with plenty of mood and colorful characters, this suspenseful... czytaj dalej

Goosebumps Ghost Camp
Stine Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Harry and his brother Alex just want to have fun at Camp Spirit Moon, but there are a few problems--like slimy blue puddles all over their cabin and the old campers who keep playing jokes on the new campers... czytaj dalej

Daughters of Eden
C. Bingham Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Daughters of Eden focuses on the lives and fortunes of four very different young women at the outbreak of the Second World War. Marjorie, left at a boarding school by her emigrating mother; plain Poppy, pushed... czytaj dalej

Treasure Island Introduced by Darren Shan
D. Shan Wydawnictwo: inne

In one of the greatest tales of adventure ever written, Jim Hawkins sets sail in search of Treasure Island. But on board ship, Jim discovers a mutinous plan, led by Long John Silver. Plunged into a world of... czytaj dalej

Casimir Pulawski Polish Hero
L. Szymański Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Nearly 30 towns and counties in America bear the name of Pulaski: in Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri (2), New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas... czytaj dalej

That Nightingale Return
L. Rowinski Wydawnictwo: angielskie

On August 1, 1944, Leokadia Rowinski and fellow members of the Polish Resistance movement saw the culmination of their five years of training -- the Warsaw Uprising. Six weeks later, she celebrated her twenty-first... czytaj dalej

Plaga Renata Wydawnictwo: Galeria f5 & Księgarnia Fotograficzna

Album poetycko-fotograficzny autorstwa Renaty Plagi oraz Tomasza Gotfryda to nowatorska kompozycja słowa i obrazu.Za wierszem spontanicznie podąża fotograf, przekładając emocje ukryte w słowach na język obrazu... czytaj dalej