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Development Projects & a Critical Theory of Environment
J. Bapat Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Development Projects and A Critical Theory of Environment presents an original critical theory of environmental sociology. It is demonstrated through six examples of infrastructure development projects, ranging... czytaj dalej

Management in India
H. Davis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Indian Management in Transition" discusses the emerging changes in Indian management culture both at the macro and micro levels and their impact on domestic and multinational businesses based in... czytaj dalej

Advances in Environmental Accounting
Freedman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

List of Contributors vii Editors ix Ad Hoc Reviewers xi Editorial xiii Martin Freedman Bikki Jaggi Environmental Accounting, Managerialism, and Sustainability: is This Planet Safe in the... czytaj dalej

Advances in Taxation
T. Porcano Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Part of a series dealing with all aspects of taxation, including tax policy and issues at the federal, state, local, or international level. The series primarily publishes empirical studies that address compliance... czytaj dalej

Competence Perspectives in Managing Internal Processes
Ron Sanchez Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The competence-based perspective on strategy and management emerged in the 1990s as a new approach to developing strategy and management theory and practice. In the past decade, the focus on organizational... czytaj dalej

Foreign Direct Investment in Central Eastern Europe Case Stu
Saul Estrin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This work contains 12 case studies of foreign direct investment, four each in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic and Slovenia. Included are major firms such as Skoda and Danone, as well as smaller ventures. ... czytaj dalej

Euro Essential Guide
Peter Coffey Wydawnictwo: inne

Peter Coffey examines the reasons why the EEC made its decision to move to EMU, the earlier attempts at creating an EMU and the present situation. He assesses the Euro's qualities as a currency, examining the... czytaj dalej

Contemporaty Strategy Analysis
R. Grant Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Introducing students to the fundamental concepts and principles of strategy, it reflects current academic thinking and management practice, and gives students the tools they need to formulate and implement... czytaj dalej

Risk Management & Insurance
Kwon Wydawnictwo: brak danych

In an increasingly globalized marketplace, companies face risks; not only financial risks, but political, environmental, social, and health risks as well. Instructors and students worldwide recognize the need... czytaj dalej

Organizational Communication 5 vols
L. Putnam Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The field of organizational communication has mushroomed in the past three decades. Originally viewed as a spin-off from management and organizational psychology, organizational communication is now a major... czytaj dalej