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This reader-friendly dictionary covers around 5,000 terms, concepts, theories, methods and techniques related to general marketing, advertising, sales promotion, sales management, retailing, international marketing... czytaj dalej
The Blackwell Handbook of Personnel Selection provides a state-of-the-art review of theory, research, and professional practice in the field of selection and assessment. Reviews research and practical developments... czytaj dalej
This cutting-edge collection of essays develops an economic theory based on the mathematics of the digital computer. A cutting-edge collection of essays, which develops an economic theory based on the mathematics... czytaj dalej
In Postgraduate Research in Business, Sarah Quinton and Teresa Smallbone provide a vital introduction to the research process and the thinking and learning skills needed to successfully complete postgraduate... czytaj dalej
These three volumes build on Volumes 1-3, which focused on operations management concepts and strategy, design of operations systems, and operations planning and control. They consider more specific aspects... czytaj dalej
Recent acceleration of the Indian economic growth rate from 6 to 8 per cent has sparked worldwide speculation that India is about to catch up with China and become another Asian miracle economy. Economic Reform... czytaj dalej
'This book provides an excellent overview of the changing relationship between multinationals and economic development as globalization has taken off, and substantially altered the conditions for catching up... czytaj dalej
'Professor McNabb has produced an excellent overview of the management challenges facing public utilities in the 21st century. His description of the evolution, changes, and challenges of different types of... czytaj dalej
This book critically examines the interface between sustainability, development, and the governance of international investment. In doing so it challenges the orthodox view that foreign direct investment (FDI)... czytaj dalej
W monografii poddano analizie zależności występujące między rynkiem finansowym a sferą realną. Przedmiotem rozważań są: znaczenie sektora finansowego w procesie wzrostu gospodarczego, zmiany zachodzące w segmentach... czytaj dalej