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Economic Reform in China & India
Chai Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Recent acceleration of the Indian economic growth rate from 6 to 8 per cent has sparked worldwide speculation that India is about to catch up with China and become another Asian miracle economy. Economic Reform... czytaj dalej

Biographical Dictionary of American Economists
R. Emmett Wydawnictwo: inne

The Dictionary covers American and Canadian economists and writers/thinkers with views on economics from the pre-Revolutionary period to the 1950s. All the major schools of American economic thought are represented... czytaj dalej

Innovation Dynamism & Economic Growth a Nonlinear Perspec
Hirooka Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'I think this book is a great achievement. It is packed with useful information and thought-provoking analysis and discussion. The work on technological development is, especially, a very valuable original... czytaj dalej

Narratives of Enterprise
Down Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'Engagingly written, this sparkling account of the ebb and flow of workaday "entrepreneurship" injects real life into a field that is too often cluttered by arid enumerators and profilers of irrelevancies... czytaj dalej

Public Expenditure Control in Europe
Crespo Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'Public Expenditure Control in Europe provides a timely and detailed study of audit control of government expenditure in selected EU countries. It combines the factual and descriptive analysis of senior experts... czytaj dalej

Rola instytucjonalizacji w kształtowaniu stosunków międzynarodowych
ukrowska Katarzyna Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Książka przedstawia mechanizm wykorzystania instytucji międzynarodowych w kształtowaniu stosunków między państwami, a także we wspomaganiu pożądanych procesów zachodzących w tych państwach. Wskazuje na sprzężenie... czytaj dalej

Recruiting Retaining and Promoting Culturally Different
L. Laroche Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The USA and Canada welcomes every year significant numbers of immigrant professionals who have high levels of formal education (Bachelors, Masters and Ph.D.) as well as extensive experience; yet a significant... czytaj dalej

Business Cycles 3e
L. Tvede Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This entertaining book describes the global history of economic fluctuations and business cycle theory over more than 300 years. It explains the core of the problem and shows how cycles can be forecast and... czytaj dalej

Liquidity Theory of Asset Prices
Gordon Pepper Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Professional investors are bombarded on a day to day basis with assertions about the role liquidity is playing and will play in determining prices in the financial markets. Few, if any, of the providers or... czytaj dalej

Handbook of Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management
J. Mentzer Wydawnictwo: angielskie

We've extended our offer! Order your copy online now through December 15th to save 20% and get free shipping! Go to to place your order today. This state-of-the-art Handbook... czytaj dalej