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Strategie konkurencji korporacji ponadnarodowych
Sowa Krzysztof Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Mając na uwadze wzrastającą rolę korporacji ponadnarodowych w gospodarce światowej, zrozumienie różnych aspektów działalności ponadnarodowych ma ogromne znaczenie na świecie. Jednym z kierunków badań jest analiza... czytaj dalej

Small Business Management
J. Longenecker Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Small Business Management, with its loyal following and great package, is far and away the market leading text in small business and has been for many years. It is a proven text, comprehensive in its approach... czytaj dalej

Geography of World Economy
Knox Wydawnictwo: inne

The Geography of the World Economy provides an in-depth introduction to the globalization of the world economy and discusses local, regional, national, and global economic development over the course of history... czytaj dalej

Operations Management for Competitive Advantage With Student
R. Chase Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This text gives a thorough introduction to the concepts, processes and methods of managing and controlling operations in manufacturing or service settings. It provides comprehensive coverage, from high-tech... czytaj dalej

How Great Leaders Get Great Results
John Baldoni Wydawnictwo: angielskie

How can you tell a true leader from one who just talks a good game? It's a true leader who makes his or her vision a reality--achieving great results that bring the highest levels of success. In How Great Leaders... czytaj dalej

Internet Business Models & Strategies Text & Cases
C. Tucci Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Despite the Internet's phenomenal impact on business and its reach across all sectors, no model has emerged for thoughtfully valuing companies' Internet efforts. In addition, strategies for effectively competing... czytaj dalej

2001 Financing Start Ups
Robert Brown,Alan Gutterman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

From primary financing through initial public offering and beyond, this guide shows how to negotiate, steer clear of dangerous pitfalls and position your company for successive financing stages.... czytaj dalej

Transparency Governance & Markets
Bagella Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Theoretical and empirical research of these last decades is working on the positive and normative side in order to deepen its understanding of financial market dynamics and to tackle new and old challenges... czytaj dalej

What Every Fidelity Investor Needs to Know
J. Lowell Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The definitive independent investment guide for every Fidelity investor Jim Lowell is one of the most trusted names in the investment business. When it comes to investment know-how and guidance, his advice#150;some... czytaj dalej

Appled Data Mining Statistical Methods for Business &Industr
P. Giudici Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Data mining can be defined as the process of selection, exploration and modelling of large databases, in order to discover models and patterns. The increasing availability of data in the current information... czytaj dalej