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Art of Connecting
Raines Wydawnictwo: inne

"The Art of Connecting is filled with real-life examples of people handling potentially awkward or difficult relationships in everyday situations. There are also intriguing and uplifting stories of truly... czytaj dalej

Finanse przedsiębiorstw systemu bankowego budżetowego ubezpieczeń
Jarocka Ewa Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Wydanie II. "Podręcznik zawiera najważniejsze zaktualizowane zagadnienia związane z problematyką ogólnych i szczegółowych zagadnień finansowych. Zgodnie z wymogami programowymi omówiono wszystkie ogniwa... czytaj dalej

Managing Human Resources
D. Balkin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For undergraduate or graduate level Introduction to Human Resource Management courses. This book covers all of the core HR topics, while taking a "non-functional" approach that shows the relevance... czytaj dalej

R. Slater Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Martha Stewart is the most famous and wealthy woman on earth, a person whose name is a brand and whose influence touches virtually every home in North America and beyond. This is the Martha Stewart story you... czytaj dalej

2001 Financing Start Ups
Robert Brown,Alan Gutterman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

From primary financing through initial public offering and beyond, this guide shows how to negotiate, steer clear of dangerous pitfalls and position your company for successive financing stages.... czytaj dalej

Chinas State Enterprise Reform
Hassard Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Based on extensive original research, this book provides a comprehensive overview of the current status of state enterprise reform in China.  Chinese State Enterprise Reform considers the relationship between... czytaj dalej

Doing Business With Jordan
P. Dew Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Between 2000 and 2002 GDP growth in Jordan exceeded that of any of its neighbours, and is projected to grow by 5 per cent in 2004. Per capita income has continued to grow, official gross foreign exchange reserves... czytaj dalej

Global Public Management
Callahan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Global Public Management offers a collection of cases illustrating managerial problems and policy situations that managers could face anywhere in the world. These cases are then analyzed by universal scholars... czytaj dalej

Beyond Profit & Self-Interest
R. Gassler Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Gassler (economics, Vrije U., Brussels) tries to establish some order in the chaos he sees resulting from economists expanding their portfolio to deal with just about everything in society. He does not offer... czytaj dalej

Development of the American Public Accounting Profession
T. Lee Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The book presents a series of researched biographies of professional accountants who immigrated to the United States and developed their careers there in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. These... czytaj dalej