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Bringing together 11 articles on the political dimensions of India's economic reform process, this volume differs from others written on the subject by its focus on the political shaping of the reforms, the... czytaj dalej
This is an intelligent manager's guide to understanding and surviving in the corporate environment. Filled with practical tips, insightful discussions and advice, the book provides a new perspective on progress... czytaj dalej
The Business Guide to Legal Literacy bridges the gap between law and business by translating legalese into language that makes business sense and offers a new way to think about the lawžas a useful business... czytaj dalej
Based on the best-selling first edition, this greatly expanded and updated version contains forty-seven new activities, more information about how to design and lead retreats, and additional suggestions for... czytaj dalej
Peter Coffey examines the reasons why the EEC made its decision to move to EMU, the earlier attempts at creating an EMU and the present situation. He assesses the Euro's qualities as a currency, examining the... czytaj dalej
Introducing students to the fundamental concepts and principles of strategy, it reflects current academic thinking and management practice, and gives students the tools they need to formulate and implement... czytaj dalej
This highly popular introduction to strategic management has now been revised to take account of the latest developments in the field.New edition of a highly popular introduction to strategic management. Provides... czytaj dalej
In this series of lectures, previously unpublished in English, and here translated from a French reconstruction and interpretation by noted scholar Thierry Weil, leading organizational scholar James March uses... czytaj dalej
Operations Management (OM) represents a dynamic and significant field of scholarly research and writing. Changes in the business environment over the last fifteen years has driven rapid developments in OM practice... czytaj dalej
'This is a welcome addition to the body of work on IJV performance. The emphasis on marketing and on S.E. Asia is particularly timely.'- Paul Beamish, University of Western Ontario, CanadaCraig Julian argues... czytaj dalej