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Synchronicity Inner Path of Leadership
J. Jaworski Wydawnictwo: inne

Sparked by a conversation about the lack of moral and ethical standards at high levels in business, this text explores the issues of leadership. ... czytaj dalej

Guide to Good Manufacturing Practice
A. Kanarek Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Lack of GMP compliance is no joke. DMD's Guide to Good Manufacturing Practice provides pharmaceutical and biological companies with assistance in compliance with the GMP rules laid down by the USA, Canada and... czytaj dalej

Sushi Economy
S. Issenberg Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A history of the consumption and economics of sushi covers such topics as the underworld of the tuna black market, the real-world practices of sushi chefs, and the role of sushi's popularity in China's future. ... czytaj dalej

Sustaining Growth & Performance in East Asia
Charles Harvie Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This third book in the series focuses on how small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) contribute to achieving and sustaining growth and performance in their economies, as well as the ways in which governments... czytaj dalej

International Joint Venture Performance in South East Asia
Julian Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'This is a welcome addition to the body of work on IJV performance. The emphasis on marketing and on S.E. Asia is particularly timely.'- Paul Beamish, University of Western Ontario, CanadaCraig Julian argues... czytaj dalej

Public Utilities Managment Challenges for the 21st Century
McNabb Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'Professor McNabb has produced an excellent overview of the management challenges facing public utilities in the 21st century. His description of the evolution, changes, and challenges of different types of... czytaj dalej

In Search of Sustainable Water Management
Douglas Kenney Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'This edited volume adeptly analyzes some of the most salient challenges that face water managers and policy makers: balancing private and public sector roles in water allocation, protecting environmental values... czytaj dalej

Gendered Risks
K. Moffat Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Edited and contributed to by a collection of eminent international scholars in the field, this is the first book to explore the gendered aspects of risk. It analyzes what is currently known and identifies some... czytaj dalej

Doskonalenie systemów zarządzania
Bednarek Mariusz Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Książka poświęcona jest zarządzaniu zmianami w przedsiębiorstwie. Autor przyjął jako punkt wyjścia stwierdzenie, że możliwości utrzymania, a następnie poprawy konkurencyjności uzależnione są od zdolności prowadzenia... czytaj dalej

Closing The Eu East-West Productivity Gap
Dyker Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A product of the Framework V research project, this book addresses one of the key problems facing the EU today: Why is the 'new' EU so much poorer than the 'old', and how will EU enlargement help to solve the... czytaj dalej