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'This edited volume adeptly analyzes some of the most salient challenges that face water managers and policy makers: balancing private and public sector roles in water allocation, protecting environmental values... czytaj dalej
This text is designed as a stand alone text in a Marketing Strategy course with a focus on building customer value through the firm's marketing activities. The author aims to indicate the specific steps that... czytaj dalej
Gary Heerkens wrote the bestselling "Briefcase Book Project Management" (30,000 sold) and is a contributing editor to the influential industry newsletter "Successful Project Management"... czytaj dalej
Spread trading, a low-risk, high-profit technique, involves buying a contract in one market while selling a different contract in another market to profit from the imbalance between those markets. The Complete... czytaj dalej
In their substantially revised Third Edition, McShane and Von Glinow continue the trailblazing innovations that made previous editions of Organizational Behavior recognized and adopted by the new generation... czytaj dalej
Are you wondering why everyone else appears to have a career plan? Is it true that only the most aggressive and power hungry people get what they want?How to Take Control of your Career, adapted from John... czytaj dalej
In this book, Dr. Scott A. Shane systematically helps businesses assess the pros and cons of the decision to franchise. This book focuses squarely on the issues and challenges faced by franchisors. Shane answers... czytaj dalej
Based on extensive original research, this book provides a comprehensive overview of the current status of state enterprise reform in China. Chinese State Enterprise Reform considers the relationship between... czytaj dalej
After an explanation of the book#8217;s purpose, the authors provide in Part 1 first an overview of SSM as a whole, then a fleshed-out account with just enough detail and advice to enable the reader to set... czytaj dalej
Explaining the theory and practice of options from scratch, this book focuses on the practical side of options trading, and deals with hedging of options and how options traders earn money by doing so. Common... czytaj dalej