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This work contains 12 case studies of foreign direct investment, four each in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic and Slovenia. Included are major firms such as Skoda and Danone, as well as smaller ventures. ... czytaj dalej
Karl Albrecht defines social intelligence (SI) as the ability to get along well with others while winning their cooperation. SI is a combination of sensitivity to the needs and interests of others, sometimes... czytaj dalej
University of Miami Music Business Professor James Progris calls Managing Your Band "the best book on personal management out there," and Donald Groder, the Chair of the Music Business/Management... czytaj dalej
In Postgraduate Research in Business, Sarah Quinton and Teresa Smallbone provide a vital introduction to the research process and the thinking and learning skills needed to successfully complete postgraduate... czytaj dalej
The Ivey Casebook Series is a co-publishing partnership between SAGE Publications and the Richard Ivery School of Business at The University of Western Ontario. Cases in Business Ethics provides the opportunity... czytaj dalej
An ideal resource for those who want to conduct market research but have little experience in doing so, The Market Research Toolbox describes how to think of market research in the context of making a business... czytaj dalej
Operations Management (OM) represents a dynamic and significant field of scholarly research and writing. Changes in the business environment over the last fifteen years has driven rapid developments in OM practice... czytaj dalej
Recent acceleration of the Indian economic growth rate from 6 to 8 per cent has sparked worldwide speculation that India is about to catch up with China and become another Asian miracle economy. Economic Reform... czytaj dalej
This important book collects together Peter Nijkamp's work on spatial-economic markets, particularly housing and labour markets, and the increasing impact of information technology on mobility and the location... czytaj dalej
Three decades of accelerated trade and financial market liberalization have had significant and lasting impacts on the global economy and its component entities. In this volume, Peter Karl Kresl and Earl Fry... czytaj dalej