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Unmanageable Consumer
Y. Gabriel Wydawnictwo: angielskie

`This book was radically challenging when it was first published, and is only more so today as the concept of consumer collapses under the weight of its many meanings' - Madeleine Bunting, Columnist, The... czytaj dalej

Synchronicity Inner Path of Leadership
J. Jaworski Wydawnictwo: inne

Sparked by a conversation about the lack of moral and ethical standards at high levels in business, this text explores the issues of leadership. ... czytaj dalej

International Joint Venture Performance in South East Asia
Julian Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'This is a welcome addition to the body of work on IJV performance. The emphasis on marketing and on S.E. Asia is particularly timely.'- Paul Beamish, University of Western Ontario, CanadaCraig Julian argues... czytaj dalej

Urban Response to Internationalization
Kresl Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Three decades of accelerated trade and financial market liberalization have had significant and lasting impacts on the global economy and its component entities. In this volume, Peter Karl Kresl and Earl Fry... czytaj dalej

Institutions Industrial Upgradig & Economic Performance in J
Ozawa Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Terutomo Ozawa examines Japan's once celebrated post-war economic success from a new perspective. He applies a 'flying geese' model of industrial upgrading in a country that is still catching-up, to explore... czytaj dalej

Development Under Stress
S. Kelegama Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book examines various impediments faced in the development process and implementation of reforms in Sri Lanka, particularly after economic liberalization in 1977. The author maintains that it is a case... czytaj dalej

Road to Hospitality
V. O'Shannessy Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Australia plays a significant role in the world of business and continues to be a major tourism destination. Thus the importance of professional training for employees in the hospitality and tourism industries... czytaj dalej

Understanding Emerging Markets
S. Pelle Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The rising power of emerging economies is analyzed in this volume which focuses on Brazil, Russia, India and China in order to understand market opportunities and issues relevant to doing business in these... czytaj dalej

Investing with Exchange-Traded Funds Made Easy
Appel Wydawnictwo: angielskie

ETFs offer exceptionally low expenses, outstanding performance, and unparalleled transparency. But, at last count, there are nearly 200 ETFs: for typical investors, the variety is simply overwhelming. Now,... czytaj dalej

Location Behaviour and Relationship Stability in Internation
Kamp Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This new book investigates how the relationships of international business networks (one buyer-multiple buyers) develop over time, looking at the geographical angle as well as an actor composition point of... czytaj dalej