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Frank McKinney's Maverick Approach to Real Estate Success
Mckinney Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Praise for Frank McKinney "My neighbor, Frank McKinney, is certainly a maverick and a spiritually grounded young man. The oceanfront homes he builds here in Florida are magnificent and unique. More important... czytaj dalej

Asian Financial Crisis
Pierre-Richard Agenor Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Presents the first theoretical analysis of the Asian financial crisis and draws out the general lessons of an event whose potential long term effects have been likened to those of the Crash of 1929. Part I... czytaj dalej

Principles of Accounting
Needles Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Chosen by the UN for use in universities of the former Soviet Union, this edition reflects new trends in accounting education with increased emphasis on accounting decision-making, communication and analytical... czytaj dalej

Organisational Behaviour Managing People & Organisations
Moorhead Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Organizational Behavior places core concepts of human behavior and industrial psychology in a real-world context. The text's applied approach and succinct coverage of topical issues helps prepare students to... czytaj dalej

Business Ethics Ethical Decision Making
O. Ferrell Wydawnictwo: angielskie

As the core of undergraduate and graduate courses or as a supplement to other books, Business Ethics remains the established resource for accessible and up-to-date coverage of applied ethics. The Fifth Edition... czytaj dalej

Advertised Mind
Plessis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In "The Advertised Mind," the author draws on information about the working of the human brain from psychologists, neurologists, and artificial intelligence specialists to suggest why "ad-liking"... czytaj dalej

Petroleum Industry Regulation Within Stable States
S. Glomsrod Wydawnictwo: inne

This book addresses the challenges facing stable democratic states in dealing with oil companies in order to secure general welfare gains. Political stability means that such states should be able to take a... czytaj dalej

Handbook of Organizational Discourse
Grant Wydawnictwo: angielskie

An increasingly significant body of management literature is applying discursive forms of analysis to a range of organizational issues. This emerging arena of research is not only important in providing new... czytaj dalej

Business of Media
Croteau Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Sociologists Croteau and Hoynes offer a critical analysis of the rapidly changing media industry. They examine the influence that media have on US society, with particular attention paid to the tension between... czytaj dalej

Advances in Accounting
P. Reckers Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This series aims to provide a forum for discourse among and between academic and practicing accountants on issues of significance to the future of the discipline. Emphasis is placed on original commentary,... czytaj dalej