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MBA and intermediate undergraduate-level corporate finance or financial management courses.The authors different points of view offers students the benefits of a researcher, a practitioner, and an effective... czytaj dalej
This textbook is well suited to a variety of students, including undergraduate and master's degree students studying compensation. For all business majors, Martocchio provides a framework for understanding... czytaj dalej
For decades governments, politicians, and trade unions have feared that firms investing abroad involved a loss of employment and a decline in wages for the home country, the implied assumption being that global... czytaj dalej
Today's demanding marketplace expects auditors to take responsibility for fraud detection, and this expectation is buoyed by such legislation as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and the Auditing Standard (SAS99), which... czytaj dalej
Hospitality Financial Management covers the principles of hospitality finance, including the mathematics of finance, sales accountability, working capital and capital asset management, cost of financing, property... czytaj dalej
Organizational Behavior places core concepts of human behavior and industrial psychology in a real-world context. The text's applied approach and succinct coverage of topical issues helps prepare students to... czytaj dalej
In "The Advertised Mind," the author draws on information about the working of the human brain from psychologists, neurologists, and artificial intelligence specialists to suggest why "ad-liking"... czytaj dalej
E.Biz is a clear and straightforward guide to the fundamentals of e-business and e-commerce. It is unique in providing the knowledge required for computing and IT students to make the transition from studying... czytaj dalej
Worldwide Destinations: the geography of travel and tourism casebook provides over 40 comprehensive case studies of international tourism destinations. A companion text to the core textbook Worldwide Destinations... czytaj dalej
Bringing together 11 articles on the political dimensions of India's economic reform process, this volume differs from others written on the subject by its focus on the political shaping of the reforms, the... czytaj dalej