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Africa & IMF Conditionality
K. Akonor Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Ghana was one of the first African countries to adopt a comprehensive IMF reform program and the one that has sustained adjustment longest. Yet, questions of Ghana's compliance - to what extent did it comply... czytaj dalej

Planetary Bargain
M. Hopkins Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This book reviews corporate social responsibility (CSR) work and suggests a cooperative CSR strategy which creates prosperity for both corporations and the people they serve. It addresses these issues by arguing... czytaj dalej

Transform Your Business Into E
Lientz,Rea Wydawnictwo: inne

Surveys indicate that many E-Business efforts either fail or disrupt the basic business processes and transactions. E-Business is sometimes not aligned with the business or IT. Vague vision statements are not... czytaj dalej

Strategy & the Business Landscape
Ghemawat Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For MBA and Executive MBA strategy courses. Pankaj Ghemawat, respected and renowned Harvard Business School Professor, has designed and written a brief strategy text designed to help students master a body... czytaj dalej

Boards at Work
P. Stiles Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The first detailed analysis of the internal working and the external relationships of the boards of Britain's leading companies. Responding to calls for greater scrutiny of boards of directors this book presents... czytaj dalej

Political Economy of Policy Reform 270
D. Nelson Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This volume collects the papers from a conference in honor of J. Michael Finger on the occasion of his retirement from the World Bank. The papers cover a number of important issues in the analysis of policy... czytaj dalej

Transparency Governance & Markets
Bagella Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Theoretical and empirical research of these last decades is working on the positive and normative side in order to deepen its understanding of financial market dynamics and to tackle new and old challenges... czytaj dalej

Introduction to Options Trading
F. de Weert Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Explaining the theory and practice of options from scratch, this book focuses on the practical side of options trading, and deals with hedging of options and how options traders earn money by doing so.  Common... czytaj dalej

What Every Fidelity Investor Needs to Know
J. Lowell Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The definitive independent investment guide for every Fidelity investor Jim Lowell is one of the most trusted names in the investment business. When it comes to investment know-how and guidance, his advice#150;some... czytaj dalej

Credit Derivatives Pricing Models - Models Pricing & Implem
P. Schonbucher Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The credit derivatives market is booming and, for the first time, expanding into the banking sector which previously has had very little exposure to quantitative modeling. This phenomenon has forced a large... czytaj dalej