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This book provides a broad and comprehensive survey of the development of capitalism in Russia from the collapse of the Soviet economic system to the present, and includes the results of substantial new research... czytaj dalej
Rachunkowość w Polsce nie pozostaje w sprzeczności z tendencjami światowymi, obserwowanymi w rozwiązaniach stosowanych w innych krajach. Globalizacja gospodarki światowej oraz rozwój gospodarki rynkowej w Polsce... czytaj dalej
Publikacja stanowi kontynuację trzyczęściowego zbiorczego podręcznika przeznaczonego dla uczniów Liceum Profilowanego o profilu ekonomiczno-administracyjnym zgodnego z programem nauczania LP-EA/MENiS/2002.04.30.... czytaj dalej
This successful text provides a discussion of change in relation to the complexities of organizational life with an emphasis on applying the theory into practice.The book is structured in three parts. The first... czytaj dalej
Since the mid-1990s, emerging market economies have been hit by dramatic highs and lows: lifted by large capital inflows, then plunged into chaos by constrained credit and out-of-control exchange rates. The... czytaj dalej
This eagerly awaited new textbook from David Knights and Hugh Willmott explores the key topics of introductory OB courses but addresses them in a distinctive way by: Centralizing students' experience #8211;... czytaj dalej
Traditional measures of economic activity, such as GDP, take no account of damage done to the stock of natural capital by environmental change nor the loss of welfare that economic activity causes through increased... czytaj dalej
This Handbook is an authoritative and invaluable reference tool, uniquely analysing the forces governing unionism, union behaviour and union impact from a variety of perspectives, both theoretical and empirical... czytaj dalej
CD-ROM with Powerpoint, Instructor's Manual and CompuTest to accompany Marketing ManagementVideos to accompany Marketing Management.... czytaj dalej
During the last year the highest highs and lowest lows have been experienced by businesses involved in electronic commerce. Most experts agree that this volatility has more to do with poor investment decisions... czytaj dalej