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VGM's Careers Encyclopedia
C. Norback Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Provides job descriptions, required education and training, income levels, chances for advancement, and more, for 200 careers. ... czytaj dalej

Designing & Delivering Training
Simmonds Wydawnictwo: inne

Designing and Delivering Training is designed for students of the CIPD PDS module in Designing and Delivering Training and is ideal for anyone wanting an understanding and overview of the subject. The book... czytaj dalej

On Leadership a Short Course
March Wydawnictwo: brak danych

In this series of lectures, previously unpublished in English, and here translated from a French reconstruction and interpretation by noted scholar Thierry Weil, leading organizational scholar James March uses... czytaj dalej

Encyclopedia of Career Development 2 Vols
J. Greenhaus Wydawnictwo: angielskie

SAGE Reference is proud to announce the Encyclopedia of Career Development. With more than 400 articles the Encyclopedia of Career Development is the best reference tool for research on career-related topics... czytaj dalej

Operations Management II vols 4,5,6
B. Bennett Wydawnictwo: angielskie

These three volumes build on Volumes 1-3, which focused on operations management concepts and strategy, design of operations systems, and operations planning and control. They consider more specific aspects... czytaj dalej

Characteristics of the Successful 21st Century Information
D. Heye Wydawnictwo: inne

Summary: This book is intended for professional Library and Information Services (LIS) staff and LIS students who want to be more successful as information professionals. The LIS profession is one of the most... czytaj dalej

Organizational Knowledge & Technology
R. Magalhaes Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Guides us through the history of IS/IT, management theories and organisational concepts. Presents views on IS/IT implementation, advocating a holistic approach that brings together the organisational culture... czytaj dalej

Challenge of Pub-Priv Partners
G. Hodge Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'. . . this is an excellent volume. The authors raise a number of important questions that extend beyond the particulars of the public-private partnerships that exist now, and address broader questions of the... czytaj dalej

Cultural Diversity & International Economic Integration
Paolo Guerrieri Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This book aims to improve the understanding of the relationship between cultural diversity and international economic integration and its implications for global governance of the audio-visual sector.The national... czytaj dalej

New International Financial Architecture 2 vols
Uzan Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'An essential reference work for both scholars and practitioners concerned with financial crises. Roubini and Uzan have collected from around the world - from reports, conferences and professional journals... czytaj dalej