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In a marketplace fueled by intangible assets, anything less than optimal workforce success can threaten a firmżs survival. Yet in most organizations, employee performance is both poorly managed and underutilized... czytaj dalej
This third book in the series focuses on how small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) contribute to achieving and sustaining growth and performance in their economies, as well as the ways in which governments... czytaj dalej
This book charts the consequences for banking supervision of two stylized developments that over the last decade have characterized the global financial landscape: the integration of cross-sector and cross-border... czytaj dalej
This two-volume collection presents the most important recent articles on empirical issues in industrial organization, related primarily to the analysis of imperfect competition.These two volumes offer a carefully... czytaj dalej
'An essential reference work for both scholars and practitioners concerned with financial crises. Roubini and Uzan have collected from around the world - from reports, conferences and professional journals... czytaj dalej
This collection consists of 20 papers, organised into four sections, that have each made a valuable contribution to our understanding of the motivations and actions of different types of corporate owners and... czytaj dalej
Choć nie ma bezpośredniego zagrożenia, znowu aktualne stały się problemy, które charakteryzowały gospodarkę światową w latach trzydziestych XX wieku. W warunkach postępującej globalizacji i liberalizacji obrotów... czytaj dalej
This best-selling text provides students with a comprehensive overview of all the important functions of business. Each edition has introduced cutting-edge firsts while ensuring the underlying principles that... czytaj dalej
ETFs offer exceptionally low expenses, outstanding performance, and unparalleled transparency. But, at last count, there are nearly 200 ETFs: for typical investors, the variety is simply overwhelming. Now,... czytaj dalej
"Wspaniała, wciągająca historia o tym, co może się zdarzyć, kiedy osobistemu zaangażowaniu i indywidualnym możliwościom pozwala się działać dla osiągnięcia ambitnych celów".... czytaj dalej