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Labour Market Adjustments in Europe
Julian Messina Wydawnictwo: brak danych

It is now widely accepted that expansionary fiscal or monetary policies alone are unlikely to help Europe's ailing economies. Solving Europe's economic problems requires reform of the economic institutions... czytaj dalej

International Handbook of Trade Unions
J. Addison Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This Handbook is an authoritative and invaluable reference tool, uniquely analysing the forces governing unionism, union behaviour and union impact from a variety of perspectives, both theoretical and empirical... czytaj dalej

Operations Now Processes Value & Profitability with Student
Finch Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Second Edition retains the cutting-edge content and unique, resource profit model, though the content is delivered in a more traditional package, with proportionately greater emphasis on the text and less... czytaj dalej

Energy & Environmental Hedge Funds
P. Fusaro Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Energy Environmental Hedge Funds The New Investment Paradigm I highly recommend this book for those investors interested in energy and environmental hedge funds. It is a great handbook on these topics. The... czytaj dalej

Options Trading Strategy & Risk Management
S. Vine Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The key concepts and essential strategies behind the successful use of optionsWritten by Simon Vine, a seasoned trader who has over ten years of experience on Wall Street under his belt, Options is the definitive... czytaj dalej

Don't Let Others Rent Space in Your Head Your Guide
G. Coxe Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Praise for Don't Let Others Rent Space in Your Head "Gary offers rich advice for anyone who wishes to succeed in spite of his or her failures. Four simple steps may be all that stand in the way of your... czytaj dalej

Market Intelligence
Callingham Wydawnictwo: angielskie

One of the biggest problems facing organizations that commission market research is ensuring that they get the research they want and that the research is relevant to the organization. There are many different... czytaj dalej

Investors' Guide to the United Kingdom
Pierce Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The UK's 'enterprise' culture, business friendly employment laws, relatively benign fiscal policies, world class support services and perhaps most of all its language have made it an attractive place to invest... czytaj dalej

Directors' Dilemmas
Dunne Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Based on author's first-hand experience of running workshops for troubled directors at 3i this book offers some fascinating insights into what goes on behind boardroom doors. Whatever the size or nature of... czytaj dalej

G. Sampson Wydawnictwo: brak danych

E.Biz is a clear and straightforward guide to the fundamentals of e-business and e-commerce. It is unique in providing the knowledge required for computing and IT students to make the transition from studying... czytaj dalej