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The Leader of the Future 2 follows in the footsteps of the international bestseller The Leader of the Future, which has sold hundreds of thousands of copies, been translated into twenty-eight languages, and... czytaj dalej
This book showcases some of the innovative qualitative and quantitative research methodologies being used in South Asia to provide empirical guidance for health sector reform and policy development. The four... czytaj dalej
This book examines the 'two shades of green' that are business and values. While the former constitutes the colour of money as a means of measuring business value; the later concerns those things a company... czytaj dalej
`This book was radically challenging when it was first published, and is only more so today as the concept of consumer collapses under the weight of its many meanings' - Madeleine Bunting, Columnist, The... czytaj dalej
'This book with its collection of classical and influential articles is a must on the desk of any scholar with an interest in the behavior of foreign exchange rates. Researchers in the field of foreign exchange... czytaj dalej
Summary: This book is intended for professional Library and Information Services (LIS) staff and LIS students who want to be more successful as information professionals. The LIS profession is one of the most... czytaj dalej
Guides us through the history of IS/IT, management theories and organisational concepts. Presents views on IS/IT implementation, advocating a holistic approach that brings together the organisational culture... czytaj dalej
This book aims to improve the understanding of the relationship between cultural diversity and international economic integration and its implications for global governance of the audio-visual sector.The national... czytaj dalej
This fascinating book outlines the fundamental principles and difficulties that characterise the challenging task of using econometrics to inform natural resource management policies, and illustrates them through... czytaj dalej
Edited and contributed to by a collection of eminent international scholars in the field, this is the first book to explore the gendered aspects of risk. It analyzes what is currently known and identifies some... czytaj dalej