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Conductive Organization
H. Saint-Onge Wydawnictwo: brak danych

An organization's culture lies at the heart of its ability to perform. In the knowledge economy, new rules are emerging and organizations must rethink how they will compete by leveraging their tacit knowledge... czytaj dalej

Managing Strategic Airline Alliances
Sveinn Gudmundsson,Hannu Seristo,Dawna Rhoades Wydawnictwo: inne

Strategic airline alliances are an important topic in airline management today, stimulated by poor access of international airlines to large domestic markets such as the USA and EU and the increasing importance... czytaj dalej

FDI & Industrial Organisation in Developing Countries
P. Kanta Ray Wydawnictwo: inne

Analyzing the impact of FDI on industrial organization in India in the midst of changes wrought by globalization is a daunting task. The Indian economy is large and disparate, with a multitude of economic and... czytaj dalej

Right Projects Done Right From Business
P. Dinsmore Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Right Projects Done Right! reflects the advances that have been made since the concern for managing multiple projects in organizations first emerged more than a decade ago. This book includes findings and... czytaj dalej

Role Play Made Easy 25 Structured
S. El-Shamy Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Written by training expert Susan El-Shamy, Role Play Made Easy is a practical and highly accessible resource for planning, preparing, and implementing effective role-playing activities that are solidly grounded... czytaj dalej

Retreats That Work
S. Campbell Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Based on the best-selling first edition, this greatly expanded and updated version contains forty-seven new activities, more information about how to design and lead retreats, and additional suggestions for... czytaj dalej

Handbook of Leadership Development Evaluation
L. Leviton Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The book will provide readers with the comprehensive, multi-perspective look at evaluation of leadership development efforts. The language of the book is practical and relevant to a broad audience (both practitioners... czytaj dalej

Multinational Strategic Management
R. Mockler Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A comprehensive introduction to contemporary multinational strategic leadership and management, this book serves as a foundation to inspire the kind of creative entrepreneurial thought and action needed to... czytaj dalej

Practical Library Manager
B. Massis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book is an essential primer for new library managers and directors. In addition to providing an overview of the practical aspects of management, it is a vital reference tool for managing your library and... czytaj dalej

Private Participation in Infrastructure in China
M. Bellier Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Since the late 1970s China has made extensive policy reforms and infrastructure investments. Although there have been significant investments made over the past decades, most of these investments came from... czytaj dalej