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This book delivers new IMD insights on an emerging challenge - how to deal with overwhelming complexity. Global organizations face a complex decision-making environment. On one side, diversity of cultures,... czytaj dalej
W nowym wydaniu książki przedstawiono tematykę związaną z opodatkowaniem niektórych czynności cywilnoprawnych podatkiem PCC z uwzględnieniem zmian wprowadzonych ustawą z dnia 16 listopada 2006 roku, nowelizującą... czytaj dalej
An introductory treatment that integrates and evaluates recent advances in the field by providing a common notation and a simple theoretical model within which to identify and to estimate commonly-encountered... czytaj dalej
For Services Management/Marketing or Marketing courses, particularly for undergraduate and graduate programs in Hospitality Management, Tourism Management, Leisure Management and Retail Management. This book... czytaj dalej
What if you could consistently bring in $5,000 to $50,000 in real estate cash flow every month? Would you change the way you live your life? Every year, thousands of Americans do just that, using real estate... czytaj dalej
What will you do when you encounter identity theft within your business? Chances are, you have already lost money to identity theft and business fraud. Look no further than the latest newspaper headlines to... czytaj dalej
In a recent series of ground-breaking psychological experiments, volunteers were shown a 30-second film of some people playing basketball and told to count the number of passes made with the ball. After just... czytaj dalej
New technology has revolutionized the nature and threatened the existence of traditional stock and futures exchanges. This book analyses how they have responded to developments in automation,... czytaj dalej
No fight left? No future? Does the handwriting on the wall say utter failure? Harvey Mackay, one of the world#8217;s best-selling motivational and business authors tells you why it isn#8217;t so. He reveals... czytaj dalej