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Lab Manual intended for students taking a first year computerized accounting course or an upper division course in Accounting Information CourseLab Manual comes with a 120 day timed version of Microsoft Great... czytaj dalej
This book introduces a new perspective on intervening and organisational change. It offers an overview of paradoxes and tensions in the field of organisational change and presents interventions that are based... czytaj dalej
Information Technology for Management, Second Edition Update, shows readers how to harness the power of today's information technologies for strategic advantage.' 'With a strong focus on managerial issues,... czytaj dalej
One of the biggest problems facing organizations that commission market research is ensuring that they get the research they want and that the research is relevant to the organization. There are many different... czytaj dalej
Development Projects and A Critical Theory of Environment presents an original critical theory of environmental sociology. It is demonstrated through six examples of infrastructure development projects, ranging... czytaj dalej
Thiagi#8217;s 100 Favorite Gamesis an exciting new resource from Sivasailam #8220;Thiagi#8221; Thiagarajan, who is acknowledged as the world#8217;s foremost authority on interactive learning. This is a first-of-its-kind... czytaj dalej
This book is an essential primer for new library managers and directors. In addition to providing an overview of the practical aspects of management, it is a vital reference tool for managing your library and... czytaj dalej
Deadline! presents adventure stories for today#8217;s warp-speed business environment#8212;dramatic case studies of how nine well-known organizations successfully managed to meet critical, seemingly impossible... czytaj dalej
Since the introduction of the euro on 1 January 1999, there has been lively debate in the UK among politicians and the media as to the pros and cons of Economic and Monetary Union. Should the UK join Euroland... czytaj dalej
SAGE Reference is proud to announce the Encyclopedia of Career Development. With more than 400 articles the Encyclopedia of Career Development is the best reference tool for research on career-related topics... czytaj dalej