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Worldwide, the construction sector is regularly rated as the most corrupt industry. Even so, the scale and effects of this corruption are frequently underestimated. The 2005 edition of Transparency International... czytaj dalej
Constantly scrutinised by the newspapers, the Internet and 24-hour television, never have organisations needed more guidance on protecting their image: and bad reputations can have disastrous effects. In this... czytaj dalej
'Cybermarketing' is a no-nonsense structured guide to using the Internet for marketing and is essential reading for all marketers and managers who need to know how to use the Internet to promote and sell their... czytaj dalej
Based on fresh and independent empirical research the book points at serious problems of the CEE industry. Evidence from manufacturing, from the energy sector, from the science and technology system and from... czytaj dalej
Women make up almost half of today's labor force, but in corporate America they don't share half of the power. Only four of the Fortune 500 company CEOs are women, and it's only been in the last few years that... czytaj dalej
Companies usually assume if their sales are good, then their brand and reputation must be strong. But all too often, they don't have a clear understanding of the values that drive brand and reputation and actually... czytaj dalej
Business people at every level will benefit from this scientific approach to the basics of marketing. Information on the seven fundamental building blocks of marketing, such as product price, the distribution... czytaj dalej
`An excellent introductory text .... it provides a concise and well-written coverage of the main concepts in organizational behaviour. The combination of case studies and discussion of theoretical issues... czytaj dalej
'. . . this book makes a significant contribution to the debate about controversial privatisation issues and industrial policy responses to them. . . Privatization and Labor is an engaging and informative analysis... czytaj dalej
'Professors Gur Ofer and Richard Pomfret have created a volume in which timely and lucid combination of analyses, extensive information and clear-cut knowledge of what went wide of the mark during the 1990s... czytaj dalej