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Project Disasters & How to Avoid Them
Chris Nickson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

David Nickson and Suzy Siddons combine their considerable expertise to define exactly what it means to be within the midst of a project disaster. This book covers all aspects of project disasters in an accessible... czytaj dalej

Kellogg on Biotechnology
Loffler Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Biotechnology is the new capital. The many stakeholders in this revolution include scientists, technologists, managers, and venture capitalists; health care, agricultural, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries;... czytaj dalej

European Works Councils-Negotiated Europeanisation
W. Lecher Wydawnictwo: inne

Negotiated Europeanisation is the final study in a three-volume series on European Works Councils by an international research group. The first two studies have already been published by Ashgate. The current... czytaj dalej

Play Like a Man Win Like a Woman
G. Evans Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Women make up almost half of today's labor force, but in corporate America they don't share half of the power. Only four of the Fortune 500 company CEOs are women, and it's only been in the last few years that... czytaj dalej

Practicing Organization Development A Guide
W. Rothwell Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Since it was first published in 1995, Practicing Organization Development has become a classic in change management. Now completely revised and updated, editors Rothwell and Sullivan, leaders in the field of... czytaj dalej

Way of the Road Warrior Lessons in Business
R. Jolles Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Way of the Road Warrior offers weary business travelers inspiration, advice, and practical skills for conquering the competition while conducting business on the road.  This business traveler#8217;s handbook... czytaj dalej

Sharing Knowledge
Catherine Gwin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This independent evaluation finds that the World Bank has made major innovations that offer staff, clients, and partners faster and easier access to the Bank's global development know edge, but that new knowledge... czytaj dalej

Human Resource Management
D'Annunzio,Maxwell Wydawnictwo: inne

This is a high-level edited collection, featuring original contributions from some of the most important academics in this field (Conrad Lashley, Connie Mok, Julia Christensen Hughes). Using the data gathered... czytaj dalej

Strategy Pathfinder
D. Angwin Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The Strategy Pathfinder is built around micro-cases of real-life problems faced by companies and executives. These micro-cases help readers to engage with the kinds of situations they will encounter in their... czytaj dalej

Adjusting to Globalization
Rosefielde Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This volume investigates the ways in which firms and workers are adjusting to globalization. A collection of cutting-edge essays investigating the ways in which firms and workers are adjusting to globalization... czytaj dalej