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Road to Success
A. Margulis Wydawnictwo: inne

The exciting new follow-up to Alexander Margulis' "Be in Charge", this book offers a guide for those who desire advancement to top positions in business and academia. It discusses and presents advantages... czytaj dalej

Six Fundamentals of Success
S. Levine Wydawnictwo: brak danych

#8220;The business environment is so uncertain that no can afford to miss a step. Some forces are out of out control#8211;recessions, cutbacks, layoffs. But being the best we can be at our job is not. We have... czytaj dalej

Technological Resources & Logic of Corporate Diversification
Silverman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This impressive book sees the author applying and extending the resource based view of the firm to explain and predict the strategy of corporate diversification.Technological Resources and the Logic of Corporate... czytaj dalej

Evaluating Hedge Fund Performance
D. Tran Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A comprehensive look at hedge fund performance issues In Evaluating Hedge Fund Performance, Dr. Vinh Tran gives readers the information they need to construct an efficient hedge fund portfolio based on their... czytaj dalej

Global Business Negotiations
Cellich Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Effective strategies and systematic approaches to improve the results of international negotiations are offers in this volume, which focuses on negotiations with developing countries. The authors review the... czytaj dalej

Business + CD
W. Pride Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This best-selling introductory survey text provides comprehensive coverage ofall functional areas within the field including management, marketing, accounting, economics, finance, law, and computer information... czytaj dalej

Global Corruption Report 2005
F. Fukuyama Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Worldwide, the construction sector is regularly rated as the most corrupt industry. Even so, the scale and effects of this corruption are frequently underestimated. The 2005 edition of Transparency International... czytaj dalej

Market Research in Practice
G. Hague Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This practical guide to the basics of market research takes a clear, concise step-by-step approach. It describes and explains the various tools and techniques available to market researchers. Comparative examples... czytaj dalej

Project Disasters & How to Avoid Them
Chris Nickson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

David Nickson and Suzy Siddons combine their considerable expertise to define exactly what it means to be within the midst of a project disaster. This book covers all aspects of project disasters in an accessible... czytaj dalej

Corporate Reputation the Brand & the Bottom Line
Haywood Wydawnictwo: angielskie

New global cases and candid comment from top executives ... czytaj dalej