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Since the end of the Cold War, a virtual army of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) from the United States, Britain, Germany and elsewhere in Europe have flocked to Central and Eastern Europe and Eurasia... czytaj dalej
Outsourcing is now a central issue for companies large and small, and the market size goes on expanding. But, few executives really understand how to go about deciding what should be outsourced, how to do it... czytaj dalej
'[This book] is important because it reports on the discussion among competition policy experts about the strengths and weaknesses of economic methods that have been and will be increasingly used in merger... czytaj dalej
'This accessible book is a powerful critique of the effectiveness of development aid. It skilfully combines a wealth of practical experience with a thorough examination of recent academic research. It will... czytaj dalej
After more than two decades of widespread hardship for most nations, what are the different paths available for them to resume steady growth and welfare? Will they actually succeed in building new growth models... czytaj dalej
Contemporary research in strategic management, with an emphasis on conceptual tools and skills created by scholars and practitioners in the field are evident throughout this 11-chapter book. Pearce and Robinson... czytaj dalej
Jack Welch was the world's most acclaimed CEO. Jack Welch on Leadership based upon the best selling Jack Welch and the G.E. Way details his strategies and managements secrets, and provides a rare look into... czytaj dalej
Intended as an introduction to theories of public organization for both students of public administration and those outside the field who want to involve themselves in organizations committed to public purposes... czytaj dalej
How can you make wise decisions about your company and your personal future when you have no idea where the economy is headed?The answer is, you can#8217;t. But you can learn how to accurately predict turns... czytaj dalej
Currency Strategy, Second Edition develops new techniques and explains classic tools available for predicting, managing, and optimizing fluctuations in the currency markets. Author Callum Henderson shows readers... czytaj dalej