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A compact guide to evaluating financial statements and uncovering the realities behind the numbers. This edition has been updated with new information and examples which reflect today's financial actualities. ... czytaj dalej
A comprehensive study companion to The Index Trading Course In The Index Trading Course Workbook, George Fontanills and Tom Gentile offer a wealth of practical exercises that will help further the reader#146;s... czytaj dalej
This best-selling introductory survey text provides comprehensive coverage ofall functional areas within the field including management, marketing, accounting, economics, finance, law, and computer information... czytaj dalej
'If you are only going to read one business book this year, this is the one. No modern business leader should be unaware of these insights.' - Brian Mcbride, VP, Northern Europe, Dell Computer Corporation.... czytaj dalej
The Art of Advertising Planning is a sound and comprehensive introduction to advertising planning and branding. It discusses key issues and market realities, many of which are ignored and neglected in developing... czytaj dalej
"Shaping Organizational Strategies" will equip students and practicing managers with strategic insights into the process of managing odds and for dealing with emerging fluid situations which can affect... czytaj dalej
'The social and political power of the verity that there are no such things as economies, only economic geographies demands an analysis of the complex flows and relations implied by it. At last, here is a... czytaj dalej
In April of 2000, Gary Erickson turned down a $120 million offer to buy his thriving company. Today, instead of taking it easy for the rest of his life and enjoying a luxurious retirement, he's working harder... czytaj dalej
This practical step-by-step guide covers both qualitative and quantitative dissertations. It is customized for MBA students, to reflect: length of MBA dissertations; typical MBA course structures; previous... czytaj dalej
You are attracted to a career in Marketing or in Public Relations, but wonder how to: - understand the range of jobs within the industry - how to stand out from the crowd. From Accountant and Advertising Account... czytaj dalej