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Architecture of European Codes & Contract Law
Grundmann Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The ongoing debate on the harmonisation of European contract law has metamorphosed into an important recognition: that none of the existing national systems of contract law, even the most 'modern,' have been... czytaj dalej

Global Supply Chains Standards & the Poor
J. Swinner Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Using original research from Asia, Africa, Europe and Latin America, this book reviews the recent restructuring of the global agri-food industry and the dramatic rise of global retail chains in developing and... czytaj dalej

K. Muller Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The limited liability company - the GmbH - dominates the German corporate landscape. It is particularly attractive to those who want to give their business a legal form that can be flexibly structured. This... czytaj dalej

Countering Terrorism and WMD
P. Katona Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This volume shows us that in order to deal with today’s Fourth Generation asymmetric warfare by terrorist groups using conventional arms and weapons of mass destruction, we need a new ‘global networked’ approach... czytaj dalej

Istnienie i logika
Gumański Leon Wydawnictwo: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika

Logika klasyczna a założenia egzystencjalneNowe ujęcie epistemologii realistycznejLogiczne i semantyczne antynomieWybrane zagadnienia logiki deontycznejNowy dowód rozstrzygalności rachunku funkcyjnego... czytaj dalej

Społeczeństwo w dobie modernizacji
Backer Roman, Chamot Marek, Karpus Zbigniew (red.) Wydawnictwo: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika

Społeczeństwo - gospodarka - psychologiaNiemcy - historia i jej widzenieRelacje polsko-niemieckie w XIX i XX wiekuHistoria Torunia... czytaj dalej

Understanding the Presidency
J. Pfiffner Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Thoroughly revised to provide developmental views that explain how what happened over the past two centuries got us where we are today; and to present important current issues that are engaging the presidency... czytaj dalej

Dispossession Dreams & Diversity
D. Carter Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For undergraduate courses in Australian studies, history, cultural history and cultural studies. "Dispossession, Dreams and Diversity: issues in Australian studies" introduces key topics and questions... czytaj dalej

Biopsychology 6e
J. Pinel Wydawnictwo: inne

Biopsychologyclearly presents the fundamentals of the study of the biology of behavior and makes the topics personally and socially relevant to the student. Written in a friendly, engaging, narrative - and... czytaj dalej

R. Bhattacharya Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Janani, or mother as the creator of life, is what defines this collection of narratives. The book brings together the writings of women from various walks of life authors, artists, academics, and ordinary citizens... czytaj dalej