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Museums Prejudice & the Reframing of Difference
R. Sandell Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book draws on in-depth case studies and a range of international examples on the topical debate surrounding social issues, political challenges, opportunities and responsibilities that accompany a museums... czytaj dalej

Culture, Society & Sexuality
R. Parker Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This new and revised edition of "Culture, Society and Sexuality" brings together and makes accessible a broad and international selection of readings to provide insights into the social, cultural... czytaj dalej

Sex of Knowing
M. Doeuff Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Michčle Le Doeuff is a leading French philosopher, and one of the most important feminist thinkers writing today. The Sex of Knowing, Le Doeuff's most significant work to date, provides a comprehensive account... czytaj dalej

Ethical Reasoning for Mental Health Professions
G. Ford Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This core textbook in "Ethical Reasoning in the Mental Health Professions" considers ethical and legal issues in mental health work by providing numerous case studies that encourage students to develop... czytaj dalej

Environmental Policy
Vig Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Scholars of environmental policy, policy in general, and political science examine some of the most important developments in environmental policy and politics since the 1960s and central issues of today. They... czytaj dalej

New United Nations
J. Pubantz Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For undergraduate courses in International Relations. A comprehensive guide to the world body's institutions, procedures, policies, specialized agencies, historic personalities, initiatives, and involvement... czytaj dalej

Integrating Technology A Practical Guide
J. Lengel Wydawnictwo: inne

This how-to book gives concrete suggestions and step-by-step guidance for both beginning and experienced teachers. It focuses on the practical application of computers and the internet to the everyday tasks... czytaj dalej

Scarith of Scornello
Rowland Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Bored teenager Curzio Inghirami staged perhaps the most outlandish prank of the seventeenth century when he hatched a wild scheme that preyed on the Italian fixation with ancestry by forging an array of ancient... czytaj dalej

Gender & War in Twentieth-Century Eastern Europe
Wingfield Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This volume explores the role of gender on both the home and fighting fronts in Eastern Europe during the First and Second World Wars. By using gender as a category of analysis, the authors seek to arrive at... czytaj dalej

Understanding Political Violence
R. Ruggiero Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book locates the analysis of political violence within the sociological and criminological debate. It addresses forms of political violence from below (collective violence, insurgency, armed struggle,... czytaj dalej