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Interpreting Qualitative Data
D. Silverman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In this exciting and major updating of one the most important textbooks for beginning qualitative researchers, David Silverman seeks to match the typical chronology of experience faced by the student-reader... czytaj dalej

Symbiosis & Ambivalence Poles & Jews in Small Galician Town
R. Lehmann Wydawnictwo: inne

Taking ordinary people in a small southern Polish village as a case study, Lehmann (Menasseh Ben Israel Institute for Jewish Social and Cultural Studies) explores the complex nature of relationships between... czytaj dalej

Global Capitalism
Frieden Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Globalisation is a choice, not a fact. It is the result of policy decisions and the politics that shape them. Jeffry A. Frieden's insightful history explores the golden age of globalisation during the early... czytaj dalej

Disability Studies Reader
L. Davis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Disability Studies Reader collects for the first time representative texts from the newly emerging field of disability studies. This volume represents a major advance in presenting the most important writings... czytaj dalej

Wreck of Catalonia
Alan Ryder Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This fascinating account examines the fate which overtook the principality of Catalonia in the fifteenth century, reducing it from dominance within the state of Aragon to a marginal role in the Iberian power... czytaj dalej

Synergic Inquiry
T. Yongming Wydawnictwo: angielskie

`The publication of Synergic Inquiry is both timely and important. It is a refreshing attempt to forge behavioral theory and praxis to expand human capacities for problem-solving' - Tomoko Hamada, College of... czytaj dalej

Search of Memory
Kandel Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Shows how behavioural psychology, cognitive psychology, neuroscience and molecular biology have converged into a powerful science of mind. ... czytaj dalej

Implementing Evidence-Based Practices
McCarty Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Implementing Evidence-Based Practices for Treatment of Alcohol and Drug Disorders" provides managers and clinicians with results from Practice Improvement Collaboratives (PIC) that demonstrate how... czytaj dalej

Ścieżki transformacji ujęcia teoretyczne i opisy empiryczne t.6
Brzechczyna Krzysztof (red.) Wydawnictwo: Zysk i S-ka

Zapoczątkowana w 1989 roku transformacja systemu realnego socjalizmu budzi zrozumiałe zainteresowanie przedstawicieli nauk społecznych. Można w zasadzie mówić o wyłonieniu się osobnej subdziedziny nauk społecznych:... czytaj dalej

Black Pioneers in Communication Research
R. Jackson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This ground-breaking work explores the conceptual contributions of Black scholars to communication studies. It is the only book in the field of communication that, through personal interviews with many of these... czytaj dalej