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The important scholarly achievements of Polish historians remain largely unknown outside Poland. In Nation and History, editors Peter Brock, John Stanley, and Piotr J. Wrobel have brought together twenty-four... czytaj dalej
With its broad overview of the socio-cultural elements of sexualities, this book is the ideal textbook to help students recognize sex as not only a personal issue, but a socially-constructed issue as well.... czytaj dalej
A reference to the men and women who have, over the last two millennia, contributed to the life, history and study of Christianity in all its facets, regardless of denomination. Entries are concise but for... czytaj dalej
This fully up-dated second edition of Protecting Children provides the framework for understanding child abuse and child protection issues for people who work with children in a variety of professional and... czytaj dalej
Fully updated with new chapters on culture-level studies, personality and developmental issues, the Third Edition illustrates ways in which culture shapes psychological process across a wide range of social... czytaj dalej
How are we to understand the causes of the telecommunications revolution? How can we begin to predict its consequences? The last three decades have witnessed a dramatic acceleration in the use, demand,... czytaj dalej
The Tao of Statistics provides a new approach to statistics in plain English. Unlike other introductions to statistics, this text explains what statistics mean and how they are used, rather than how to calculate... czytaj dalej
Because the field of sociological inquiry is multi-faceted in perspective, and does subsume a variety of specialty interests, the literature in this discipline has developed and proliferated in a near exponential... czytaj dalej
Advertising Strategy provides students with the experience of an actively teaching professor at one of the top advertising programs in the country and a working creative director//agency principle. Altstiel... czytaj dalej
The imposition of 'social skills' teaching is sometimes seen as stemming from a negative attitude to social difference. Participation in 'activities' might be resented by the AS community and the choice to... czytaj dalej