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Supplement that compiles major statutes, forms, and other materials affecting contract law. Suitable for use in combination with any law school level contract law text or casebook. ... czytaj dalej
Selling, buying and consuming are central components of the American experience at home and abroad, not the quest for empire. Hegemony tells the story of the drive to create consumer capitalism abroad through... czytaj dalej
Acclaim for the first edition:'The editors have succeeded in putting together an excellent group of authors who present a well informed and balanced analysis of the formation of political systems in the examined... czytaj dalej
In Europe, the cross went north and east as the centuries unrolled: from the Dingle Peninsula to Estonia, and from the Alps to Lapland, ranging in time from Roman Britain and Gaul in the third and fourth centuries... czytaj dalej
The orthodox opinion is that in the 'long' eighteenth century, women especially of the middle classes, had very little involvement with business affairs and enterprises, and that as a group they were more usually... czytaj dalej
"Another Day in Paradise" is an anthology of first-person stories by international aid workers. Written by active aid workers and spanning the "hot spots" of the globe from Afghanistan to... czytaj dalej
Comprehensively examines the way government documents' librarians acquire, provide access, and provide reference services in the new electronic environment. Noted experts discuss the impact electronic materials... czytaj dalej
This is a chronological and ethnographic narrative that surveys American Indian history, from the arrival of humans on the American continent to present day. The text gives balanced attention to political,... czytaj dalej
Reviews of the previous Edition:#145;This is exactly the kind of book to recommend warmly to any student wanting a general introduction to the discipline of history. It is highly accessible and could as easily... czytaj dalej
This book discusses the changing social impression of women's voices as expressed in late fourteenth-century Anglo-French texts. Together the essays that comprise this book offer evidence for three closely... czytaj dalej