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An invaluable guide to international relations and diplomacy, covering the international system, crises and meetings, policies and doctrines, force and diplomacy, common international space and diplomatic relations... czytaj dalej
Since the publication of the ground-breaking report "All Our Futures: Creativity, Culture and Education" in 1999, creativity has been the buzzword in education. However, despite various initiatives... czytaj dalej
In 'The Roots of War and Terror', Anthony Stevens provides profound insights into the nature and origins of armed conflict. Combining the concepts of the archetype and the collective unconscious (Jungian) with... czytaj dalej
This invaluable guide provides teachers and trainees with practical tips for teaching children with profound and multiple learning difficulties. Well-written and informative, the authors' specialist knowledge... czytaj dalej
Aidan Nichols' timely book is the first full-scale investigation of Joseph Ratzinger's theology in its development from the 1950s to the present day. It presents a chronological account of the development of... czytaj dalej
This collection of hymns, prayers, songs and poems in honour of the Virgin Mary are drawn from all centuries, from liturgical and non-liturgical sources. The material is arranged in sections following the Church's... czytaj dalej
This volume focuses on Ibn Sina - the Avicenna of the Latin West - and the enormous impact of his philosophy in both the Islamic and Christian worlds. Jules Janssens opens with a new introductory article, surveying... czytaj dalej
This volume includes a collection of nineteen papers covering Conrad's writing career, beginning with "Almayer's Folly" (1889) and concluding with "The Rescue" (1920). Written by scholars... czytaj dalej
Is 'development' passe? Is it merely a by-product or a 'trickle down' effect of economic growth, spurred by globalisation? Will poverty simply diminish with increased global markets? This state-of-the-art critical... czytaj dalej
Meeting the Ethical Challenges of Leadership, Second Edition identifies the unique ethical demands of leadership and equips students to meet those challenges. Written in an informal, accessible style, this... czytaj dalej