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Democracy in Action
K. Smock Wydawnictwo: inne

In cities across the US, grass-roots organizations are working to revitalize popular participation in disenfranchised communities by bringing ordinary people into public life. This book examines the techniques... czytaj dalej

We Wept Without Tears
G. Greif Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The Sonderkommandos of Auschwitz-Birkenau consisted primarily of Jewish prisoners forced by the Germans to facilitate the mass extermination. Though never involved in the killing itself, they were compelled... czytaj dalej

Complete A-Z Psychology Handbook
Cardwell Wydawnictwo: inne

Designed specifically to familiarize students with the language of psychology, the third edition of this text has been updated to cover the 2003 specifications of all psychology AS and A2 Level courses. It... czytaj dalej

Personality Disorder & Serious Offending
Clive Meux Wydawnictwo: inne

People with personality disorder tend to be neglected by health services in most countries. In the UK, there has been renewed interest in the field since government initiatives in the end of the 1990s. Government... czytaj dalej

Culture Institutions & Economic Development
M. Keating Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Regions are increasingly recognised as a key aspect of economic change in Europe, not merely as geographic spaces but also as social systems. Their history, culture, institutions and patterns of leadership... czytaj dalej

Dynamics of Social Exclusion in Europe
E. Apospori Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Issues of poverty and social exclusion are high on the European policy agenda. The Dynamics of Social Exclusion in Europe reports findings from a study funded by the European Commission, using data from the... czytaj dalej

F. Scherer Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'The Scherer book is an economist's delight. . . this collection is full of thoughtful insights and quirky corrections to accepted stylised facts. . . The overwhelming impression of this work is that researchers... czytaj dalej

Sindhis Trough The Centuries
M. Jotwani Wydawnictwo: inne

Not a single-minded book, it is a collection of Dr. Jotwani's articles dealing with the Sindhis as a community, living in India and abroad, in both the pre-and-post-Partition times. These articles more or less... czytaj dalej

Theory of International Terrorism
L. Khan Wydawnictwo: brak danych

"A Theory of International Terrorism" studies Islamic militancy in the geopolitical contexts of Chechnya, Kashmir, Palestine, and the September 11 attacks on the United States. These contexts have... czytaj dalej

Enhancing Global Governance
Cooper,English Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This volume analyses the means by which global governance had been promoted by innovative diplomatic practices. The impetus for a new diplomacy has emerged not from traditional channels, but through a series... czytaj dalej