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Coalfield Jews explores the intersection of two simultaneous historic events: central Appalachia's transformative coal boom (1880s-1920), and the mass migration of eastern European Jews to America. Traveling... czytaj dalej
The biggest single issue currently facing school managers is how they should appraise their staff and what the implications of the process are. This edited collection brings together the latest thinking on... czytaj dalej
The Handbook of Social Choice and Welfare presents, in two volumes, essays on past and on-going work in social choice theory and welfare economics. The first volume consists of four parts. In Part 1 (Arrovian... czytaj dalej
Fish on Friday tells a new story of the discovery of America. In Brian Fagan's view, that discovery is the product of the long sweep of history: the spread of Christianity and the radical cultural changes it... czytaj dalej
From the thunderous cavalry charge mounted to the firm recital of a solemn vow and the gentle murmurings of courtly love, echoes of the medieval knight live in the modern imagination as enduring symbols of... czytaj dalej
Embark on a passionate exploration of your life and career goals. Vickie Milazzo, a millionaire entrepreneur, shares intimate secrets of her successes and setbacks on the road to building a thriving business... czytaj dalej
Abnormal Psychology, also called Psychopathology, is a standard course for psychology majors and a popular elective for students of criminal justice, business, education, sociology, and other fields taught... czytaj dalej
Aquinas on God presents an accessible exploration of Thomas Aquinas' conception of God. Focusing on the Summa theologiae - the work containing Aquinas' most systematic and complete exposition of the Christian... czytaj dalej
"Winning Elections with Political Marketing" is a unique look at the election process on both sides of the Atlantic, providing rare insight into how modern political communication and marketing strategies... czytaj dalej
In "History Out of Joint", Sande Cohen considers the ways in which historical narratives summon up a past and lay down a future in the ever-multiplying intellectual debates of contemporary public... czytaj dalej