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Trial of the Templars
Barber Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The Templars fought against Islam in the crusader east for nearly two centuries. During that time the original small band grew into a formidable army, backed by an extensive network of preceptories in the Latin... czytaj dalej

Satan A Biography
H. Ansgar Kelly Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Christians traditionally think of Satan as Lucifer, God's enemy, who rebelled against Him out of pride and then caused Adam and Eve to sin. But, as Ansgar Kelly shows, this portrayal is not biblical but a scenario... czytaj dalej

Handbook Of Research Methods In Developmental Science
M. Teti Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The Handbook of Research Methods in Developmental Science is a collection of newly written articles that provide an overview of methods and approaches associated with the study of human development. Contains... czytaj dalej

Jurgen Habermas
Martin Matustik Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This philosophical-political profile offers the first of its kind intellectual reconstruction of Habermas' defining existential and historical situations, his generational profile and interventions, his impact... czytaj dalej

Short Introduction to Social Research
M. Henn Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book introduces students and researchers to the key ideas and issues that inform research practice. Henn, Weinstein and Foard provide a clear and easy-to-understand route-map to help the reader plan... czytaj dalej

History under Debate
C. Barros Wydawnictwo: angielskie

History Under Debate: International Reflection on the Discipline is a crucial examination of comparative, critical perspectives on history, historians, and their audiences. In this book, historians from around... czytaj dalej

New Working-class Studies
Russo Wydawnictwo: brak danych

In John Russo and Sherry Lee Linkon's book, contributors trace the origins of the new working-class studies, explore how it is being developed both within and across fields, and identify key themes and issues... czytaj dalej

History Out of Joint
S. Cohen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In "History Out of Joint", Sande Cohen considers the ways in which historical narratives summon up a past and lay down a future in the ever-multiplying intellectual debates of contemporary public... czytaj dalej

Global Eighteenth Century
Nussbaum Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Historians have generally come to accept the idea of a "long eighteenth century," one that extended from circa 1660 to 1830. Felicity A. Nussbaum and the contributors to this volume take this idea... czytaj dalej

European Integration
H. Michelmann Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This text offers a multidisciplinary overview of theories of, and academic approaches to, European integration. The authors include four political scientists, an economist, a historian and a legal scholar.... czytaj dalej