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Elizabeth D. Leonard tells the dramatic story of the assassination, the roundup of suspects, and the ensuing trials of those involved in the crimes of April 14. Judge Advocate General Joseph Holt - a Kentuckian... czytaj dalej
Although slavery is illegal throughout the world, we learned from Kevin Bales's highly praised exposé, Disposable People: New Slavery in the Global Economy, that more than twenty-seven million people--in countries... czytaj dalej
The state remains as important to Russia's prospects as ever. This is so not only because, as in any society, an effectively functioning state administration is necessary to the proper functioning of a complex... czytaj dalej
In this pithy and highly readable book, Brian Skyrms, a recognised authority on game and decision theory, investigates traditional problems of the social contract in terms of evolutionary dynamics. Game theory... czytaj dalej
An original book examining the concept of the Devil in English culture between the Reformation and the end of the English Civil War. Nathan Johnstone looks at the ways in which beliefs about the nature of the... czytaj dalej
Research Methods focuses on decisions and conclusions, rather than rules and procedures, to help students develop the critical-thinking skills necessary for understanding and designing research. The text emphasizes... czytaj dalej
A vivid description of the cultural, political, economic, and environmental changes that globalization will bring to our world. Going beyond the narrow economic focus common to most books about globalization... czytaj dalej
This work is an innovative exploration of urban Italian politics, immigration, and European identity. In the 1980s, Italy transformed from a country of emigration to one of immigration. Italians are now faced... czytaj dalej
The alarming rise in international terrorist activity since the attacks of September 11th has generated intense debate about the principles by which State responsibility for private acts of terrorism is determined... czytaj dalej
The Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers includes both academic and non-academic philosophers, and a large number of female and minority thinkers whose work has been neglected. It includes those intellectuals... czytaj dalej