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Socioeconomic Aspects of Human Behavioral Ecology
M. Alvard Wydawnictwo: angielskie

As a field, anthropology brings an explicit evolutionary approach to the study of human behavior. Each of anthropology's four main subfields - sociocultural, biological, archaeology, and linguistic anthropology--acknowledges... czytaj dalej

John Paul II We Love You World Youth Day Reflections
B. Murray Wydawnictwo: angielskie

World Youth Day and its international gatherings mark Pope John Paul II's greatest achievement in his relationship with young Catholics around the world. Through these gatherings, the pope challenges young... czytaj dalej

NATO & Eastern Europe After 2000 Strategic Interactions with
L. Paquette Wydawnictwo: angielskie

NATO is acutely aware of its increased status as a force for stability in a drastically altered Atlantic community. The number of its initiatives is on the increase just as a new political, economic and military... czytaj dalej

London's Green Belt
Munton Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Developed form a major research report for the Department of the Environment, this book presents a comprehensive analysis of the problems experienced when the green belt restraint was implemented around London... czytaj dalej

Artistic Citizenship
M. Schmidt Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Artistic Citizenship asks the question: how do people in the creative arts prepare for, and participate in, civic life? This volume, developed at NYU’s Tisch School, identifies the question of artistic citizenship... czytaj dalej

Wolność w epoce poszukiwań
Szulakiewicz Marek, Karpus Zbigniew (red.) Wydawnictwo: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika

Zebrane w tym tomie teksty zostały przedstawione na IV Interdyscyplinarnej Konferencji Problemy współczesnej kultury. Konferencje te, organizowane od kilku lat przez Instytut Politologii i Instytut Stosunków... czytaj dalej

Creativity for Critical Thinkers
Weston Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This unique book is a concise introduction to creativity--the art of expanding possibility. Covering such practical methods as multiplying options, brainstorming, lateral thinking, reframing problems, and many... czytaj dalej

Flashpoints in the War on Terrorism
J. Murer Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The future security environment has been forecast in terms of nation-state clashes over natural resources, modernization, and culture. Yet America's security interests are more directly affected by the intractable... czytaj dalej

Psychodynamic Psychology
Jarvis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Of all the many approaches to psychology, the psychodynamic comes closest to what the layperson expects from psychology. It tackles issues central to human experience including how our relationship with our... czytaj dalej

Solidarity for Sale
Fitch Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A fascinating, definitive history and analysis of American labour union corruption - and an urgent call for social justice - that reads at times like a thriller American labour unions have been, it runs out... czytaj dalej